Rodmond - RT - RTtheRealest

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything." James 1:2-4

"Whatever you do in life, make sure you follow your heart. Nobody can see your vision like you can see it."

A personal blog, an unfiltered and uncensored place of expression, a personal journal.

EST 12/15/2009

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Act Your Age

Day 30/31

Wow we’re almost there...I’m super happy I ended up posting (pretty much) everyday. As of late my boys and I have been talking about the fact that we’re all 26, turning 27 next year and it’s somewhat of a crazy, surreal and scary feeling. The cool thing about life is that in the same way that you never stop growing, you also never stop learning. I’m constantly learning new things about myself, my friends, life, love, relationships, you name it, I’m constantly learning and I don’t think it’ll ever stop. It’s funny cuz my boys and I have this joke where we tell each other to act your age whenever we’re doing something dumb or immature lol. It’s funny cuz I find myself talking about a lot of grown up things as of late...moving out, getting married, buying a car, getting your own place, you name it. It’s easy to feel like you’re being left behind or moving too slow when you see people your age or younger doing those things like getting married or moving out and stuff, but similarly you also see people your age or older in similar stages as you, still grinding and still trying to figure things out. I’m just reminded that everyone moves at their own pace, but we’re all going to reach the finish line eventually...and if you’re a person who cares about being able to say you’re ahead or that you’ve made it before somebody else than so be it, but it’s okay to “be slower”, I’d rather say it’s okay to move at your own pace, to move at your own sense of urgency. Don’t feel the need to rush or play catch up to someone else because that might not be your speed or your path, do you. Till tomorrow, see y’all!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Growing Pains

Day 29/31

Throwback to 2011...again it’s almost the end of the year and it’s cool to see how much I’ve grown whether my writing, my mentality or whatever. So yeah, enjoy...

Friday, December 28, 2018

Apologies In Advance

Day 28/31

I think I underestimate the reach that this blog has sometimes and I swear I mean that in the humblest way possible. I mean I know I have a decently sized community of viewers but sometimes I underestimate just how many people really do read my blog and how many of those people I see on a regular basis lol whether family, friends or coworkers. I’ve told y’all many times that I and this blog have pissed off many people over the years...many friends and best friends have gotten angry at me for writing about them for whatever reason LOL. It’s not the first and surely isn’t the last time that this blog will upset people. It’s funny because I wrote something about a coworker and I never expected so many other coworkers to read and ask me about it LOL, I mean like I said in the post, it’s light...it’s not a big deal and I’m not a person to hold grudges or get super angry. I will say that for you or for anyone...you don’t want to be that coworker that everyone hates working with or comes in to work and thinks to themselves frick he/she is working today...like take a chill pill kill bill, ain’t nothing that serious. If y’all know me and if y’all know this blog more specifically, you’ll know I’m honest, to a fault at times, but it is what it is, I keep it real 100% regardless what it is and who you are. It’s never meant to be malicious or hurtful, this is a place I come to express myself and speak my mind. It’s my own personal diary/journal, I told y’all that whenever I write, I write as if no one is reading this but me, it helps keep me honest. So yeah, it is what it is, this is me, see y’all tomorrow!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

We All Got Issues

Day 27/31

Can you just take in that just like that Christmas has come and gone and New Years is in the horizon...doesn’t feel like it does it? We’ve also hardly had any snow here in Toronto either which kinda kills my holiday and Christmas mood. But anyways...everyone’s got problems, everyone’s a little bit crazy and everyone’s got some sort of baggage that they carry with them into any friendship, relationship or situation: I used to think that I chilled with certain people over others because they had less baggage and were a little less crazy. But I feel like I’m realizing that it’s all perspective and we’re all crazy and we’ve all got our own problems to a certain extent. What makes someone more appealing to be around than another person isn’t the fact that they have less baggage, but that we’re willing to tolerate them more...whether cuz we like them more or they’re more pleasant to be around. Cuz I’ve been thinking as of late just the friends and people I have in my life...some of y’all are NUTS...like off the wall crazy LOOOOL. But I love y’all to death...I’m used to your craziness and whatever baggage you bring to our relationship because I know I have my own things I and you have to deal with as well. That’s one of the beauties of friendships and relationship...everyone bring something different to the table...crazy exes, psycho personality, random quirks or flaws...but in time you either learn to love and accept that and then or you turn around and walk away never to cross paths ever again. It’s jokes cuz I think about crazy self and the random and annoying things, quirks and tendencies that I bring and I laugh lol I’m just like damn, how does anyone put up with me LOL. But anyways, on that note...see y’all tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Pain Is Love

Day 26/31

Here’s something I wrote in 2010, probably one of the first things I’ve ever posted on Facebook, back when I first started writing. I never get to finishing it...LOL, maybe I will...

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Where Has The Time Gone?

Day 25/31

I always love this time of year, Christmas...New Years...despite how busy it is it’s nice to see everyone together at dinners, parties and gatherings. Where has the time gone tho? I look back to previous Christmas’ and New Years’ and I remember sleepovers with my friends...gaming into the night, waking up super early just to game even more. I remember waking up super early to go Boxing Day shopping and struggle of spending 45 minutes looking for parking and debating paying for valet parking lol. I miss those days when everyone was together, when school was our biggest issue but we still had all the time in the world to chill. I remember huge potlucks with my friends, cooking dinners together, trying to set up my friend with the newest girl haha, it seemed like only yesterday. Now I look around and it’s sad but it’s also cool to see where everyone has gone but more so how well everyone is doing. It’s cool to see how friends have moved to different countries, cities, churches, houses, you name it. But the one thing that’ll always be there is those times and memories that we shared. I mean it’s nice to reminisce but I never want to dwell and try to relive that stuff because it distracts from the present. But anyways, hope y’all had a wonderful Christmas...whether chilling with family, friends or just relaxing by yourself, I’ll see y’all tomorrow!

Merry Christmas

Day 24/31

Merry Christmas y’all, thought I’d hit y’all with an early post since I know I’m behind one day and I owe y’all a post. As the year winds down...it’s felt like it’s blown by but also gone by hella slow, but I’ll save that for my year end wrap up post. Honestly work has kept me so busy that it doesn’t even really feel like Christmas or the holidays. It’s weird because at work and at the mall there’s all these decorations and stuff that you’d think it’d put me in the Christmas spirit but the consensus from my coworkers and I was that we don’t really feel like it’s Christmas lol. Maybe it’s the snow, maybe it’s all the business, who knows. It’s crazy to think that 2018 is just about over and 2019 is right around the corner and then in another year it’ll be 2020, just saying and typing that out feels weird lol. But yeah I don’t got much for y’all right now, other than Merry Christmas, kick back, relax and enjoy today, see y’all later!

Monday, December 24, 2018

My Best & Worst Christmas Gifts

Day 23/31

So with today being Christmas Eve, I figured why not take a stroll down memory lane and go through some of the best and worst Christmas gifts I’ve gotten over the years. I think my parents have always been the ones to give me the best gifts, for one I don’t have many relatives here and the ones I do are pretty cheap lol. Hands down one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten from my parents are a pair of shoes. They weren’t Jordan’s or Yeezy’s or anything since I was in like elementary school and didn’t even know what that was. They were the brand called Brooks and they were a simple black and white shoe, but I loved it, it was so fire back at that time even tho I’m pretty sure it was some Walmart or Winners type brand lol. Nowadays my parents just give me money cuz it’s easier and my dad will like throw in a dress shirt or a scarf or some random item here and there cuz they know I’d rather shop for myself anyways. One of the worst gifts I’ve ever gotten is from one of my aunts/uncles. It’s funny cuz they’re pretty well off family but they’re known for being cheap and giving bad gifts, I guess that’s how you stay rich am I right? So one Christmas they gave me this dope dragon ball shirt and I was like yoooo sick, dragon ball is sick. Then I remember someone pointing out to me that it had looked worn, then I realized that they had gifted me hand me downs...old clothes my cousin used to wear...BRUHHH. One time that same aunt/uncle gifted me a designer belt and I was like wow, this is surprising...an expensive gift. And my mom looks at me like bruh are you dumb, it’s probably from an outlet, ain’t no way they’re spending that kinda money on you lol and I was like oh true you right. Lemme tell you another time from the same family, so they gave me this like remote control car or something and my cousin was like yoooo open it, let’s try it out and stuff. So even tho it was my gift, for some reason I let him try it first and I remember he broke it and I was soooo cheesed like bruh. In my head I was like it was probs a cheap gift but I was more so cheesed that I didn’t get to try it out. Aside from money, my parents mostly gifted me clothes which were either hit or miss tbh lol. My brother and I probably gave each other the eBay gifts cuz we’d honestly just ask each other what we wanted. Or something that we’d do a lot is order online from random stores and we’d tell the other person oh pick out a few things and we’ll order them together, those were really good times and good gifts cuz we got to choose exactly what we wanted. This one family didn’t even bother trying, instead of giving us gifts they just gave us this big gift basket of like random chocolates and cookies and stuff, which was okay I guess but like bruh LOL. Anyways...even tho I’m sharing about gifts, we all know that’s not what Christmas is really about. So take this time to count your blessings and spend some quality time with your family, friends and those that truly care about you, till tomorrow...peace!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Same City, Same Friends If You’re Looking For Me

Day 22/31

Shoutout to Drake for the title...today was such a great reminder that your level of friendship isn’t determined by how often you see or talk to someone. I know I’ve already written about this but today was such a healthy reminder. My friend and I literally grew up in church together...probably known him for over 10 years. One of my oldest friends who’s seen and done it all with me. From playing video games in my basement for hours, to basketball, to girls. We’d talk about girls...a lot...when’re we gonna find the one, where’s she at, so on and so forth. This year he got engaged and he’s getting married next year and I’m so happy for him. Seeing him take that next step, thinking back to all those conversations we had together about this moment, that girl, waiting and waiting. It’s super cool to not see somebody for such a long time and know that nothings changed. How we see each other, how we talk to one another and our level of friendship hasn’t changed just cuz we don’t see each other or talk to each other on a consistent basis. These are the friendships that I know will stand the test of time and it makes me super happy knowing I’ll have a brother like that in my life. Till tomorrow, peace!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Take A Deep Breath, Relax...

Day 21/31

So I think it’s important not to make impulse decisions when you’re annoyed or angry because your judgement is extremely clouded and you’re not thinking straight. And I know people (mostly my coworkers) might think that I’m talking about someone, but I’m actually referring to myself. Today a coworker really pissed me off and it just say with me for most of the day. So the entire day I was also thinking about what to write about and then I had the run in with the coworker and I was like alright I’ll just vent about it cuz he was kissing me off anyways. Then as more time passed and as I thought about it more and had time to myself and time to take some deep breaths I was like yo whatever it’s light it ain’t worth it. Then that got me thinking about the decisions we make and the actions that we take (BARS) when we’re angry, annoyed, upset or sad. Whether lashing out at a friend, saying hurtful things or yelling at somebody. I remember when o broke up with an ex and she like flipped on me, screaming, yelling and saying all this random stuff, then a couple weeks later she hit me up like my bad, I’m sorry. It’s funny because when we’re angry, sad, upset or annoyed...our decision making gets blurred and things we’d normally deem overboard we find acceptable. It was just a good reminder for me today not to take action or speak out of my butt before I’ve had time to calm down, relax and see if I still feel the same way and if it’s even that big an issue. So yeah, till tomorrow...peace out!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Your Circle Of Friends

Day 20/31

As I’ve gotten older, I think I know what kinds of people I want to surround myself with...but I think more importantly I know what kinda people I DON’T wanna surround myself with. For one, just really negative people...negative Nancy’s, Debbie downers...those people who just kill the mood and seemingly walk around with a dark cloud above them. Another one would be uptight people, I mean if you know me, you’ll know how serious I am...which is not at all LOL.i need people who can laugh with me and laugh at me cuz I’m goofy lol. Like when I think of my boys or my friends...my favourite moments are just us goofing around, laughing, having good time. It’s cool cuz as different as my boys and I are, we’re all really similar as well. To quote one of my boys “ACT YOUR AGE!” I mean as I’ve gotten older I’ve def matured and am understanding the importance of maturity, but some people are so serious they can’t even laugh at themselves anymore, like loosen up fam, life ain’t that serious so you shouldn’t be lol. So with that, see y’all tomorrow, peace!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

What’s Your Inspiration?

Day 19/31

This is a question I always get and it’s a question I enjoy answering. Now everyone knows how this blog got started and it’s a pretty interesting story. Aside from how I got the inspiration to start this blog, another question people tend to ask me is what inspires my posts, where do I come up with the content and such. For starters, how this blog came to be...well my 2 friends had started a blog of their own and I had really admired one of them as he got me into writing poetry and I just loved how he used words to express himself in poem and through rap. After that it was a done deal...they had stopped blogging after a couple months had passed but I kept going...and here we are today. In terms of the inspiration for my posts. What can I say...anything and everything. Family, friends, my experiences, my surroundings, daily life. I treat the blog as like an online diary/journal where I just talk to y’all. I get inspired by a lot of things...music, lyrics, movies, conversations...little things trigger ideas in my head and I’m like oh that’d be a dope topic to write about lol. So yeah...that’s that, and with that, see y’all tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The One Thing School Taught Me

Day 18/31

The older I get, the more I find myself saying/thinking that school didn’t really teach my much about life or any life skills.i mean if you’re in a field where academics are super important then yeah, school probably did wonders for you, but I was never really a smart kid and I think that my street smarts far outweigh my book smarts. I think the one think that school did teach me was how to get along with others. I mean I feel like I was a pretty likable guy in school, again not popular...but likable, there’s a difference. I was cool with a lot of people and if I saw them in the streets today I’d still say hi. I recall like a month ago I went to dessert with my boys and this guy from high school approached us and he was like hey it’s been a while. Afterwards my boys were like wtf we never talked to him in high school, but I was like oh yeah I was chill with him, sat beside him for one class and he let me share his locker. I ended up going myself to say bye to him and catch up a bit. But back to the point, in school you’re always placed in group settings, group projects, assignments, even who you sit beside and the lockers that are beside you. It really emphasized to me how important it is to get along with others...and that is okay magnified now that I’m working as well. At least in school...you don’t see the same people everyday because you have different classes and if you want it’s pretty easy to avoid people. Now that I’m working, I see the same people pretty much every single day and it’s really engraved in my mind how important it is to get along with people, like you don’t have to like them, but for the amount of time that you’re together, you have to be able to work together to get stuff done. It’s funny cuz I see or hear and now even experience like people’s problems at work and how it sometimes goes so far where they’re like oh I straight up can’t work with this person. And I find that really interesting but also hilarious at the same time cuz I mean there are lots of people I might not like or simply tolerate, but I think it’s a sign of maturity and definitely professionalism to be able to put that nonsense aside and get along for a period of time. I think wherever you go in life, whether school, work or anywhere that requires relational and team building, you’re gonna need to learn how to get along with others. So yeah, that’s all I got for today, till tomorrow...peace out!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Work Hard, Play Hard

Day 17/31

Sitting in the break room at work and reminding myself and getting reminded that as important as it is to work hard, grind, and succeed...it’s also just as important to have fun and just live your life. Now I’m not condoning skipping work or class, but I’m saying that those things aren’t everything. Yeah it’s important to make a living, pay bills, get an education...but if it’s to the point you’re hella frustrated, borderline depressed and stuff...then that’s just straight up unhealthy. The grind is important, but don’t get obsessed with it. Everyone needs a healthy balance of work and play, so yeah...remind yourself of that every once in a while.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Your 2 Close Friends

Day 16/31

What’s good y’all, hope you’re doing well. So I was having a conversation with a friend, but what else is new that’s how a lot of my posts are inspired. Anyways so we were talking about close friends and I got to thinking. I feel like there are 2 types of close friends. There are the close friends that you see and talk to everyday...then there are the close friends that you don’t. Obviously you can probably go more in depth and break them off even more but for now we’re just gonna leave it as is. I, as I’m sure most if not all of you have both of these types of close friends. When it comes to your close friends that you don’t see or talk to that often, it doesn’t make y’all any less closer...it just means y’all don’t talk or see each other that often, that’s it. Whether life, schedule, personality or where y’all live...it might prevent y’all from seeing or talking to each other consistently. I’ve learned as well that some people just aren’t bout that back and forth conversation through text or phone...it doesn’t mean they aren’t your close friend and still won’t be there when you really need them. I used to think differently tho...I used to think that if I didn’t see or talk to a person everyday then that meant we weren’t close friends and I hated it when my friends didn’t share the same sentiment because it meant they didn’t view me as a close friend. But nowadays, especially as I’ve gotten older life has taken my friends and I on different paths and to different places. But for those friends that I don’t get to see or talk to everyday, when I do see them...it’s all love and we talk and treat each other as if nothings changed. And for me that’s a big indicator of how close y’all are. That y’all can not see or talk to each other for a period of time but nothing changes when y’all do meet up and see each other. So this one is for the friends that I may not see or talk to everyday, but still have the same amount of love for when we do catch up and stuff. Till tomorrow, peace!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Fan Appreciation Post

Day 15/31

This one is for you, yeah you, reading the post right now. As I look back on 9 years of blogging, as I see that hit counter inch closer to 600,000...I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you the reader for making this all possible. This small hobby that became a passion and evolved into a normal part of my life. Y’all have played such a big part of it and continue to push and challenge me to put out quality content...for you and for me. So with that being said, I just wanted to share with y’all some of the comments and messages I’ve received over the years from friends, peers, old classmates and those of the sort. Shoutout to y’all...I appreciate it.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


Day 14/31

Hey y’all, so I know I owe you a post for yesterday, I’ll def make it up to you asap. But uh how do I make this post without saying the same stuff I always say every anniversary. Well, first off...thank you, you make this all possible. You guys are one of if not my biggest motivation for continuing to do this. Every year always serves as a time of reflection for me...the growth of myself and this blog and where I see it all going. I’m super thankful and blessed to have this platform to express, vent, inspire, encourage and whatever else y’all see it as. I’m thankful for this community I’ve built or amassed over the years...it really amazes me how many people my blog has reached over the years. Without taking too much time, thank you again and see y’all at 10! Here are some extra and bts photos of the shoot I did with my boy for the 9 year anniversary.f

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Stay True & Be You

Day 13/31

So I was talking to 2 friends a while ago and they were talking about my blog and they were like it’s dope cuz when we read your posts, it sounds like you. I’m like eBay do you mean? They were like well when we read other peoples blogs or posts, it just doesn’t feel like them, it doesn’t feel like they’re speaking those words, that they’re trying too hard to be eloquent or wordy. They were like with you, we can fully see you telling us those random stories or going off and venting to us in person. And to me, it’s super cool to know that my personality translates onto the blog as well. That things like my loud and borderline obnoxious laugh or my mannerisms and quirks make it onto the blog as well. That when y’all read my words, it sounds like...well, me. That’s all I’ve ever really wanted tbh, I never wanna make it seem like I’m writing a fairy tale or trying to tell some elaborate story, I’m just being me, sharing with y’all my life. Now with the blog’s 9 year anniversary right around the corner, I thought to myself...how funny would it be if all my random stories, girl problems and all that stuff were made up...LOOOOOL, like 9 years of just made up random stories and y’all are like wow he actually did that? Wow he actually said that, wow that actually happened...LOOOOL. Jokes aside, a lot of my friends can attest to my stories if y’all need further proof lol, till tomorrow, peace!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Here Comes A New Challenger

Day 12/31

I recall two different conversations with two different friends and they both surrounded this idea of being too comfortable and not being challenged enough. I think being comfortable is a good thing but there is such a thing as being too comfortable. I think it varies from person to person, some people hate being comfortable and constantly need change and to be challenged. For me, I enjoy comfort, it’s safe and it’s familiar. I’m so used to picking the choice that’s easier, that’s comfortable and familiar because I know what to do, I know how it goes. I think this is the first time I’ve truly felt being comfortable as being a bad thing. I’ve probably felt it before, but it’s been becoming more and more evident as of late. Being in a place for such a long time, knowing all the ins and outs, knowing all the faces and having all the faces know you. I keep thinking of this idea of not being challenged, and if you’re not being challenged, you’re always going to be stuck in the same place, never growing or moving forward. You always want to be growing in some sort of way, I hope. I think of some couples that break up or get divorced because things get too comfortable and there’s no change, it gets too stagnant and in a sense “boring”. But also don’t get me wrong some people make it work. This is just me spitting from both sides because I’ve been so used to seeing comfort as a good thing that now that it’s kinda hitting me, it’s weird. I think when it comes to school, church, work...you always wanna be challenged, otherwise it’s the same thing everyday, it becomes a routine and it becomes boring and you’re never moving forward, you’re always stuck in the same place. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day if you know it, it’s a really old movie but essentially the dude keeps reliving the same day over and over and experiences the same things over and over again. So yeah, that’s all I got for today, see y’all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Seasons Change

Day 11/31

So first of all, sorry for the lazy posts these past couple of days. I had a plan to write actual posts before work or during my break but it slipped my mind and ended up writing short blurbs really last minute. But I wanted to post something rather than nothing and something new rather than just copping out and finding an old post or poem and reposting it.

So for the past couple of months this has been something that’s been on my heart and been a constant recurring theme everywhere I go. It all started when I was talking to my friend and she sent me a Christian song called ‘Seasons’ and it basically talks about that there’s a time and a season for everything in life. Seasons of drought, seasons of harvest, seasons of hardship and seasons of joy and happiness. It’s been something that’s been really weighing on my heart and flowed to every aspect of my life from work to church to friendships as well. J. Cole also says that “everything happens for a reason, people change like the seasons” and that’s a lyric that’s always stuck out to me as well. I’ve just been thinking a lot about my life, where I’ve been, where I am and where I’m going or at least want to go. The fact that we all have seasons in our lives...from high school, to university, to the workforce. From child, to teenage, to adult. From single, to dating, to married. Everything in our life comes in seasons and I’m a firm believer than seasons come and go, that seasons change. That this feeling I’ve been feeling, a feeling of being in a rut, of being directionless...this season will pass and another will come. Seasons come and go, periods of hardships in our lives never last, granted some might be longer than others but it always passes. Breakups, loss of loved ones, seasons change. Struggling in school, struggling to find a job, unsure about the future, relationships or anything...these feelings come and go and they’re replaced by new ones. That’s what I’ve been holding onto and reminding myself as of late, whether it’s the grind of work/school, trying to figure out or manage your relationships, being uncertain and unsure of the future...these feelings like the seasons, they change; they come and go...for the better. And that’s what I believe, I believe that seasons come and go, and despite feeling in a season of drought right now, I know that my time of harvest will come, with patience and perseverance. So with that, I just wanted to share with y’all one of my newest but one of my most favourite and meaningful tattoos...

Ephesians 3:1
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

Monday, December 10, 2018

Embrace The Struggle

Day 10/31

Just got off work lol. But yeah I’ve been constantly reminded these past couple of months that life is a grind and to embrace the struggle. Whether it was commuting downtown for work for 2 months, waking up super early for work or just the natural grind of work. I’m reminded that everyone is grinding with me, that everyone has some sort of grind that they’re working on. When I used to get up st 5 and catch the train at 6, seeing so many other people up at that time was a reminder to me that everyone is out here grinding. When I had those thoughts of quitting, wanting to sleep in or call in sick. My friends would be like yo we’re all in the same boat as you, waking up early, grinding for 8-9 hours, that’s what life is about, that’s what hard work is all about. I was talking to a friend yesterday and we both reminded each other of that as he’s transitioning to a new job possibly and it’s gonna be a lot of change. Change of timing, of location and just having to get used to a lot of newness. So yeah, whether school, work, life...hang in there, someone else is on that exact same grind as you. Stay patient and stay persistent. Till tomorrow, peace!

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Anti Social Social Club

Day 9/31

I swear work has made me super antisocial, like more than I already am. All I wanna do on my days off is sleep, catch up on my shows and play video games. And like when I do go out or am around big groups or people I hate it LOL. Like I want nothing to do with people and crowds and all the noises. I know a big part of it is like I’m surrounded by people and crowds and hella noise at work that I like hit and go over my limit LOL. But sometimes I force myself like alright I should go out and do something with my friends. Even tonight, my boy wanted to chill and I was like just come over and let’s game or watch a movie or something but j swerved last minute and was like alright let’s go out and chill. So now here I am writing this post waiting for my dessert lol. Sorry for the short blurb, better than nothing I guess, till tomorrow...peace!

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Don’t Overthink It

Day 8/31

So this ended up being the post I wrote yesterday. Still super relevant and applicable which is why I decided to post it still. Side note, I’m at work right now till 12, but I’m working real hard to stay committed to this whole month of posts lol so hope y’all enjoy!

I was debating about going off on something that came up today and just really annoyed me for some reason. But I changed my mind after thinking about it more cuz something inside me said it wasn’t the right thing to do, so I won’t. Instead I wanna talk about something similar but different. I have a real problem with overthinking things. Overthinking in a sense that I’m very indecisive and I flip flop back and forth. From something like oh I like a girl should I shoot my shot...I’ll spend hours debating what to do and have multiple conversations with different friends. Or maybe it’s something like this person said this to me and I don’t know how to reply, should I say this or should I say that. It’s funny cuz my coworker and I had a conversation about calling in sick to work and he was like man I wanna do it but I probably shouldn’t and we had a good 2 hour conversation about that LOL. So I’m reminded of an album that’s called “Don’t Overthink It”. And that’s what I’ve been meditating on for this past like 20 minutes as I sit and overthink my current situation. We’ve all been there...overthinking something we clearly shouldn’t, stressing out on something that fully shouldn’t bother us. Welcome to my life story. I’m trying to fix it...to go with my gut, to just go...to just do. To stop overcomplicating things and stop overthinking things. Till tomorrow, peace.

Friday, December 07, 2018

Moment Of Silence

Day 7/31

Random side note, I wrote a post like 20 minutes ago with every intention to post it but I had a change of heart and something hit me like a wave, so enjoy.

I think everyone needs quiet time every now and then. Whether you’re stressed, angry, nervous, frustrated...whatever it might be. I think being able to be alone in reflection is important. To think about your own thoughts, feelings, emotions and just reflect and more importantly calm yourself down. It’s funny cuz my watch always tells me to stand up when I’ve been sitting for too long or too take deep breaths every now and then and having your own quiet and personal time is exactly the same. I was really bothered my something today, more like just now like 20 minutes ago and all these thoughts and emotions flooded my head. But I had a good moment of silence and quietness and was able to calm myself down approach the situation in a calm and level headed manner. So yeah, I went from 100-0 real quick, till tomorrow, peace.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Wasn’t Meant To Be

Day 6/31

So I’m feeling kinda lazy and I can’t think of anything to write atm lol. But you’re in luck, I was doing some digging for some old stuff and fold this thing I wrote about this girl in high school. I wrote this is 2008, geeeez...back when the blog didn’t even exist and this was probably when I first started to write. Funny thing was I made my boy post is cuz he was more popular than me and I knew more people would read it if he posted it than if I hadn’t posted it. That and I was scared LOL. It was so funny cuz the reaction was like wooooe fiery red hair eh??? So everyone kinda knew who it was and my boy was like brooo people think I actually wrote this about her LOL, he eventually changed it and said that I wrote it lol, so for your viewing pleasure...take a stroll down memory lane with me to RT when he was in high school.

February 6, 2008

Wasn’t Meant To Be
I met you in our first year of high school.
The first thing I noticed was your fiery red head.
Your beautiful eyes, sweet smile, and just how nice you were.
I decided I would try to get to know you.
Luckily after a few introductions and some random messages, we became friends.
As days went by, and nights went on, your face kept running through my mind.
After constant messaging, we poured out hearts out to each other, it felt GREAT.
As time went by, I felt our relationship grow.
And suddenly, in a blink of an eye, all had changed.
Every time I saw you, I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach.
I would approach you, but the words wouldn’t come out.
My heart would race, my mind swirling with words, and my stomach with emotions.
Because of this, I feel like I ignored you, pushed you away for fear of rejection.
The thing is that I’ve been keeping this in far too long.
See as crushes developed, and relationships broke, the last thing on my mind was you.
Even when I was with other girls, why is it that you kept running through my mind.
Well as a year goes by, I find myself stuck, not moving forward nor backward.
But stuck in a place and unable to make the move.
Why is it that I’m at a loss for words.
As a new year begins I find myself back in the same place.
Feeling like I’m in a race I can’t win, but yet I still try.
Eventually I realize that this is pointless.
I would rather have u as a friend than not have u at all.
So here I am back in the place again.
Not trying to win, but not giving up either.
Instead I’ve realized and accepted the fact that it wasn’t meant to be

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Just Be Yourself

Day 5/31

So I was watching one of Timothy Dela Ghetto’s vlogs, if you don’t know who he is he’s my favourite youtuber and he’s somebody I’ve been watching since high school. I just love who he is and his perspectives and philosophies. He’s super down to earth and relatable. So anyways he was talking about going to certain jobs or interviews and it’s funny how sometimes you think you killed it but you don’t hear back from them whereas other times you think you messed up but they still call you back. It goes to show like you never know what people are looking for. I also took it as a reminder to just be yourself...because you never know what people are looking for, you’re never gonna do yourself any favours trying to do or be something/someone you’re not. All you can really do is be yourself and hope for the best. Like in a more relatable context...I’ve been on dates with girls or have been talking/seeing a girl for a while and thought to myself damn that went well or wow this is going really well and next thing you know she stops replying or tells you that it just isn’t working out. Other times...and this is a true story, I’ve been on dates where I didn’t think it went well or didn’t think they were feeling me so I went ghost and stopped messaging them and they ended up hitting me up and asking me out again. Again, like you’re not gonna do yourself any favours pretending to be someone you’re not...you never know what people are looking for and what works or what doesn’t work. Just be yourself. Reminds me the old tag line for the blog...a lyric from J. Cole...”be yourself thats why they call it be-you-tiful!” Till tomorrow...peace.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

When You Feel The Pressure Part 2

Day 4/31

So I wrote this then I had a feeling of deja vu, turns out I’ve already written a post with the same title, matter a fact it was only last year. It’s cool to see how my thoughts/feelings have changed/progressed or stayed the same.


When you feel the pressure, just remember pressure makes diamonds. As corny as that sounds, I’ve just been reminding myself that every tough situation in your life has a purpose and it’s meant to serve as growth for you in a specific aspect of your life. I mean if life were easy it wouldn’t be worth living right? I mean isn’t it the hard times in life that make our triumphs so much more enjoyable, to be able to look back and be like damn...look at all I’ve been through, look at all the times I wanted to give up but didn’t, I made it. I like to think of a rollercoaster, it wouldn’t be any fun if you just went downhill the whole time, it’s the slow point of going up and the suspense that builds and makes that drop so much more thrilling. Life is the same ain’t it? Experience and tough times are life’s best teacher. I’ve been reminding myself that everyone is grinding in some sort of way...school, work, whatever it may be...everyone’s grinding, working hard, struggling cuz that’s part of life. So yeah that’s just my quick thing of the day...see y’all tomorrow.

Monday, December 03, 2018

4 My Brothers

Day 3/31

This is appreciation post for my boys. 4 dudes I essentially grew up with. Some from high school and some from even elementary school. We shared all that stuff together. I remember taking a lot of the same classes with my boy and we had the same breaks too so I literally saw him everyday, it was jokes. My friends and I have don’t a lot together...so many concerts, basketball games, movies, bowling, ping pong outings. Random traditions like CNE, birthdays, secret Santa’s. Road trips to New York, Cleveland and Montreal. That random time we went to Waterloo for a haunted house LOL. We all have so many random funny and embarrassing pictures and videos of each other lol. All those food, drink and dessert times, we’ve shared a lot with each other and it wasn’t till one friend replied to my story the other day and said “friendship goals” that I started thinking about this post. There’s no other people I’d rather chill with because when I chill with them it’s always super funny, super memorable and an overall good time. It’s dope cuz we all bring something different to the table and we’re all so similar yet so different at the same time. I remember going to sushi with 2 of them and we were just having a dope time, laughing and being super loud and obnoxious and this elderly white couple comes to us and goes wow you guys look like you’re really good friends, like you look like you genuinely enjoy being around each other and stuff. They went on to say like yeah you guys should definitely go on a trip together cuz you guys would have such a blast considering how much fun you’re having at lunch eating sushi LOL. So yeah, shoutout to my boys...y’all are decent LOL. Till tomorrow...PEACE.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Age Is Just A Number

Day 2/31

Aaaaaaaand we’re back! Almost didn’t think I’d put a post out myself lol. So I was talking to my friend today and we got on the topic of the whole age is just a number thing. And it’s funny cuz he’s pretty young, like early 20’s but he’s real mature for his age, it’s funny cuz he’s also dating a girl who’s like my age (26 if you’re wondering). And I remember when he first told me I was like saaaaaaay word. But today he kept bringing up the fact like hey age is just a number man. And it reminded me of a conversation I was having with my coworker. She was like yeah I don’t give people a pass just cuz they’re young, as in she doesn’t let them use that as an excuse, which I fully understand. It’s funny cuz it made me think about my own life and how I’ve met a lot of mature young kids and a lot of immature grown adults. And similarly at work there’re a lot of people who are super mature for their age and super immature for their age lol. But then again everything’s always perspective and maturity comes in all different forms cuz I’ve been told I act, talk and even dress hella immature. Then I’ve also been told that I’m hella wise beyond my years and stuff (not even boosting). I remember when I was in grade 12 and I dated a girl in grade 9 and all my friends roasted me for it cuz it was like the ultimate taboo LOL. But now it just doesn’t seem like that big a deal whatever the age difference in dating. I mean you’ll always have people who frown upon or look at it weird but it is what it is, you do you boo boo. I think the one thing I will say is to not let your age limit, restrict or make you think you can’t do something. And by that I mean like don’t feel trapped in a bubble like oh I’m young so I can’t do grown stuff and people are gonna look down on me. Or oh I’m old so people look at me as annoying and brush me off and whatever. Just so you, but yeah on that note, I won’t drag this out too long, see y’all tomorrow...DEUCES!

Saturday, December 01, 2018

The Pursuit Of H@ppine$$

Day 1/31

So every year when December hits, it’s always the busiest month for the blog for some reason, so much is always going on. And how with work, I find myself with very little free time and having to find time for family, friends, myself and of course the blog. But like every year, I’m going to do my best to end off the year strong and hit y’all with a month’s worth of posts...that’s right, I don’t know how but I’m gonna try to post every single day for the month of December. Other than that I don’t wanna make any other promises, I don’t know how entertaining or good the posts will be but I’ll do my best with the time and content I have and can think of.

In regards to the blog, sometimes I feel like I get so caught up in pleasing everybody that I forgot how important it is for myself to be happy with the content I put out there. For me to be happy just expressing myself and saying whatever I want. Sometimes I get so caught up with trying to think of fun and entertaining stories and that’s when blogging becomes stressful and hectic. Whether it’s views on this blog, followers on instagram, how many likes you have or even how much money you make. All that stuff is a never ending race, one that will never truly satisfy you, but still one that I as I’m sure a lot of you all still get caught up in. All these things are things that will never fully satisfy us because there’s always gonna be someone with more followers, more likes, more money. So here I am, on say 1 of 31, reminding myself of that, trying to find that passion I once had for the blog. In a year where the number of posts are at its lowest its ever been...like we won’t even hit 100 posts on the year, which is pretty crazy if you think about it. I mean the goal was never ever to blow up...it crossed my mind and the idea was cool, but realistically it was never a goal of mine. And I’m pretty proud of the small following and community that I’ve built over the years and all the words of encouragement and inspiration as well. So yeah, let’s end the year off strong, see y’all tomorrow!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Good Company, Good Vibes

Hey y’all, better late than never...but never late is better. LOL but yeah sorry about that. I think it goes without saying that the people you surround yourself with have a significant impact on your entire being. Everything from our attitude, your health, your happiness and even your perspective. I was talking to a friend and we were talking about work and he’s like being around your coworkers 5 days a week, you can’t help but talk about work cuz it’s the one common denominator. More specifically he was saying how you the most common thing y’all do when you talk about work is complain lol. And that reminded me of a conversation I had with a coworker a few days ago...just how we weren’t really happy with how busy and stressful things were getting and going to get at work. How it was borderline depressing and straining on our health lol. I told him I’m like yo literally now whenever I see you I think about quitting LOOOL. But yeah I mean I even think about the people that I surround myself with at church, if they all feel a certain way like say they don’t wanna be there, it makes sense that that feeling is eventually going to rub off n you. It’s kinda also a reminder that like if you’re surrounding yourself with toxic people, to cut it off and surround yourself with something different. I mean if the people around you are constantly negative and Debbie downers, obviously you’re gonna start to feel it too. And that’s how I feel about a lot of people...sometimes it’s just hella draining being around some people because they’re hella negative and pessimistic and sad and they’re just not fun to be around. Now I don’t wanna send the wrong message and be like oh ignore and cut off people if they’re sad cuz that’s not what I’m trying to say lol, but more so like be mindful of your surroundings...the people, the environment...if it’s having a negative impact on you, if it’s changing you for the worse...maybe it’s time for a change of scenery. I mean despite that conversation with my coworker, him and most of if not all my coworkers are hella chill and fun to be around. Same with my boys and the people I hang out with...they make me happy and it’s always a time and I’ve shared so many memories and milestones with them. Surround yourself with good company, till next time...DEUCES!

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Top 10: My Favourite Posts

Greetings friends, hope y'all are doing well! So there's been a lot of new visitors to the blog as of late...mainly due to work, little bit due to other stuff. So I thought I'd do a quick sharing to catch y'all up to speed, for those who are regulars, bare with me. So this blog...is a place of expression. It's a place I come to to be myself, to say what I want and how I feel. It's a place of honesty and vulnerability, a place with no filter for the most part. Other than that, if you stay for the journey, you'll get used to what this is and who I am as a person. So shout out to my coworkers J and Z for inspiring this post. We were talking about my blog and it brought to my attention that there are soooo many posts on this blog that it's virtually impossible for y'all to find the 'good' posts without doing A LOT of scrolling...and I'm sure most of y'all don't have that kinda time, so I thought I'd make it easier by compiling some of my favourite posts, not necessarily the most viewed or most popular, but ones I enjoy reading and the ones I put a lot of work into. So without further ado, enjoy...

1) To My Future Wife...
This is probs one of if not my favourite post. It's one I've read in front of my friends and a lot of others. It is what it says, a letter/poem to my future wife.

2) I Finally Told Her I Liked Her
Probably the most serious/funny/troll post you'll ever read in your entire life lol. Also one of the most popular posts on this blog. Pretty much a story of how I told one of my best friends I liked her...hilarity ensues.

Something I actually wrote and performed at my church, a personal poem detailing my live, my faith and my struggles. My poems are definitely the ones I'm more proud of and definitely hold a very special place in my heart.

4) How To Get/Approach A Girl
Diverting from the norm, I love this post because it's so different and I put a lot of time into it. I asked 10 different people a simple question, how do you get/approach a girl and got a whole mess of answers.

5) Rules For Dealing With An Ex-Girlfriend
I had this one ex I was very on and off with and my friends hated her. So one weekend we were all gonna be away at a retreat and they created and enforced a very special list of rules for me regarding her LOOOL.

6) Top 5 First Date Tips
Just call me the love guru, no but seriously...worth a read I think LOL, I've been told I give good, or at least pretty decent relationship advice,

7) How To Strengthen Or Expose Your Friendship
You know that old saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? That's kinda what I talk about in this post...how to put your friendships or even relationships to the ultimate test.

8) She Wouldn't Leave Me Alone
True story, I lowkey had a stalker...if you've ever seen the movie Gone Girl...well this story isn't that, but it's kinda close lol.

9) A Love Letter
Another poem/rap I wrote a long while ago...I love this one because it was written to Unthinkable by Alicia Keys and that's probs one of my favourite beats to write to.

10) My Best Friend Agnes
Are you reading this write now? If so you're suss lol. But yeah, pretty much a post I was 'asked' to write about one of the more important people in my life. It's corny, it's cheesy...but it is what it is lol.

Wow so after finishing this post, I'm realizing now most of these posts are about girls/relationships LOOOL...but hey, those are the more interesting posts to read/reread...for you guys and I guess for myself apparently.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How To Handle Rejection...Kinda

If you wanna read an actual guide on how to get past rejection, check out this post right here...for now enjoy this story from my past that still haunts me to this day, jokes lol...

Hey friends, glad to be talking to y’all sooner rather than later. So this is a story I’ve definitely told here before, but I was reminded of it while talking to a coworker and I started dying lol that and the girl in this story is getting married this weekend so I thought it’d be jokes to take a stroll down memory lane...so if y’know, y’know...if you don’t, then happy reading. So let’s rewind to a time in my life when I was a hella corny young boy, or at least cornier than I am right now. This is probably some time in high school, I was really close with this one girl. I’m talking like we shared a dope connection, I could see her face and know that something was wrong. Random tidbit, I was very cordial and friendly with her dad cuz he was a super chill guy. Anyways, so as time passed and our friendship deepened like any immature young boy, I started to develop feelings for her. Or at least wonder to myself if I saw her as more than a friend. So her birthday was coming up and I was like alright, let’s confess my feelings by writing her a card, but not just that but a poem inside the card. The card was probably like half the size of a Bristol board...hella extra, you bet LOL. So I remember biking to her house, dropping the card off and dipping hella fast. Didn’t even bother ringing the doorbell cuz I didn’t wanna risk her dad opening it and being like yo what’re you doing here LOL. So have you ever done something then instantly regretted it? Yeah that was me to the highest degree. I biked home, took my jacket off and was like yoooooo what did you just do? Nonetheless like any naive young boy, I waited for a response, and waited, and waited. Take in she didn’t say a word to me for a good like 3-6 months...the number slips my mind...but 3-6 months LOOOOL. So me being stubborn but also plain stupid...I don’t think I bothered reaching out cuz in my head I was like I guess she’s not bout it. But also in my head I was probs like well shouldn’t she respond in some sort of capacity. Essentially we just stopped talking and stopped being friends for that period of time lol. A lot happened in between that time but I’m too lazy to get into it. I just remember we somewhat got back onto talking terms and she texted me one day and was like oh btw I never got the chance to thank you for the card. For context, this was a good 6+ months after I had given her the card and we stopped talking and stuff LOL. Like how does that make sense fam? So fast forward to a few years down the road and we’re not really close friends but more like chill acquaintances, she brought it up one time and was like maaaaaan remember that time you wrote me that card for my birthday and stuff? She’s like it was soooo corny, I called my best friends and we laughed about it. In my head I was like damn that’s harsh, but I get it it was corny, but I like chuckled and was like bruh...then she like added in oh it was cute tho...LOOOOL. It’s funny cuz now I can fully laugh at myself and joke about it cuz I can’t believe how dumb I was back then, but ain’t that all of us? It’s cool now tho, we’re still friends, very cordial and like I said she’s getting married and I’m going to her wedding this weekend. So it all worked out for the best...right? LOOOOL right.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Catch Up

Hey friends,

Wow, it’s been while...but honestly it hasn’t really felt like it lol. It’s been almost 3 weeks since my last post, tbh I’ve been busy with work for one but I’ve also just been unmotivated and there hasn’t been much to talk about. Well actually I guess there has since it’s been so long, but a big part is just being unmotivated I guess and not really feeling it. Like these past 3 weeks of not putting out a post, tbh I didn’t really notice it. And I guess that’s both a good and a bad thing. But this is called catch up because I wanna catch y’all up on what I’ve been doing and what I’ve been learning. For the most part it’s just been work, work consumes so much of my time and I love and I hate that. I hate that I’ve been so busy that it’s hard to find time for family and friends and that I’ve had to drop a lot of responsibilities at church and stuff. I hate that I don’t have much time to myself or to do little things like go to the gym, play basketball or visit my old teacher. I love that I’ve become super disciplined in trying to sleep earlier in order to wake up for my early shifts. I love that I’ve been grinding and really working hard that my days off and free time feel well deserved. I’m super happy and thankful for this opportunity because I know that’s exactly what it is. I’ve been blessed with this opportunity and I’m glad that most of my coworkers are hella jokes and chill cuz if not it would make work terrible. One thing for sure is that seeing my coworker so often reminds me how important it is to have friends outside of work, to have a support system outside of work cuz as much as I love my coworkers, I have this one coworker where we’re both like yo we just need some time to ourselves and with our own friends LOL. Being at work has taught my how important it is to get along with people on a professional level, whether you like them or not. But also just in general how important it is to get along with people to make things smoother and better overall for both parties. Aside from work, my days off are spent either chilling and relaxing or going out with friends or family. I’m always conflicted with wanting to spend my days off sleeping or watching Netflix but I’m also like well I haven’t seen my family or friends in a while so maybe I should go out lol. Being at work had also reinforced to me how important it is to find enjoyment in your work. I would hate to wake up everyday dreading to go to work and repeating that same cycle every single day. I’m happy to be able to have good conversations with a lot of my coworkers about sports, music or even our personal lives lol. I’ve been thinking about the future of the blog as of late and just the future in general, what I wanna do with my life and all. December’s gonna be the 9 year anniversary of this blog...this year also marks an all time low number of posts on this blog. Like the number of posts per year has been dropping since like 2011, but the content and quality has always still been there. This year, I dunno whether y’all realize it or not but there’s only been 37 (well now 38) posts for this year so far. Like in my head I’m just like wow I’ve been hella slacks/hella busy/hella unmotivated or whatever it is...but all that just has me seriously wondering what I wanna do with this blog moving forward. But enough of that lol, that’s what’s been going on in my life and in my head as of late...hope to see you sooner rather than later, peace.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Let The Good Times Roll Part 2

Hey friends, it’s been a while...so funny story, I had actually written a post yesterday but didn’t like how it turned out so decided not to post at all, my bad. But to repeat some of what I said...I’ve met a lot of new people in the past few months...through work, sports and just life. So I figured I’d give some brief introductions...my name is Rodmond, I go by RT as well...that among other names as well lol. This is my blog and simply put its a place of expression, honest and vulnerability. I’ll leave it at that, if you journey with me you’ll definitely learn a lot about what I and this blog are about.

So yeah...it’s definitely been a very busy and somewhat stressful few months as of late. Free time has definitely been scarce and time management has become such an important aspect of my life lately. Work has consumed so much of my time that I’ve been trying to juggle family, friends, church, me-time and whatever else in the limited amount of time that I have when I’m not at work. So here’s a compilation of picture that make me really happy, that remind me and bring me back to some real good times in my life throughout these past few years. Feel free to check out part 1 while you’re at it as well.