Rodmond - RT - RTtheRealest

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything." James 1:2-4

"Whatever you do in life, make sure you follow your heart. Nobody can see your vision like you can see it."

A personal blog, an unfiltered and uncensored place of expression, a personal journal.

EST 12/15/2009

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I'm Here For You



^^^^^^^^this is pretty much exactly how I'm feeling right now...

It really sucks to see friends go through tough times and not be able to physically do anything for them. Sometimes the most important thing tho is just being there for them...reassuring them that you're there for them no matter what and that it'll all be okay. As a friend it really does break my heart to see my friends hurt, sad, angry...you feel their pain, you feel the emotions they're feeling. When I was going through a rough time, I stumbled upon this...and shared it with the sunday scjool class I teach...I also shared it with a friend going through a tough time...I hope is gives you as much hope and encouragement as it did me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Little Things In Life...

One thing I take for granted is family dinners. Not going and like eating at a restaurant, I'm taking about home cooked meals, sitting at the table with your family. My fam doesn't go out too often for dinner, we eat at home like 80% of the time, so it's definitely something I've taken for granted, but something I've grown to love and appreciate. Especially when I hear from friends that they don't eat with their families everyday...or hardly ever...and when they do eat with their fams, everyone kinda takes their plate and does their own thing, watch TV, go back to their room. It's sad in a sense you know...moments like this I've grown to cherish...sitting at the table, talking with my parents, my brother. It's something I envision and hope to do when I'm a dad...have my wife and my kids at the table...talking, asking how they are, how was their day. I have so  many goals and aspirations as a future parent...one of them is to be involved in my kid's life...know what's going on...his likes, dislikes, what's bothering him. I want my kids to look at me and feel comfortable opening up...that will be my biggest reward as a dad...to know my kids trust me with their inner most thoughts and secrets...to have that close relationship with them, be an active part of their life, that means the world to me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

But She's Your Sister...

I told y'all I have some weird dreams...woke up in the middle of the night and had to write this one down cuz it was too funny. So y'all know the show Saved By The Bell? Well if you don't, research it, it's a dope show Any ways, there's an episode where the main character Zack who is dating this girl named Kelly...who has a younger sister and she like really likes Zack, even though he's ddating her sister. So he chills with her and stuff, helps her practice softball, basically a nice guy cuz she's his girlfriend's sister. So she misreads the signs and believes he likes her and she like flirts with him and tells him she likes him etc. Any ways...back to my dream...I was dating this girl and we're all chill and stuff...as her boyfriend, I wanna be nice to her younger sister, helping her with homework, chilling with her, giving her advice and such. Like that episode...those signs get misconstrued and she thinks I like her and she starts like flirting with me and stuff and I tell my girlfriend I'm like yo...I think your sister likes me...this is awkward LOL. So the younger sister tries to like intrude on all the things we do...whether it's like cooking dinner at home she'll wanna be there, going out on a date she'll wanna come, going to the gym she'll ask to come...lol any ways, I woke up before the dream went any further...but it was pretty funny when I woke up lol.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Be There Or Be Square

Today at church, the s speaker told a story about the important of being present. How he has 2 little kids and sometimes he plays tricks on them by hiding or pretending to leave, immediately they'll cry and call for him. He went on to say that no matter how many toys or whatever he buys them...nothing can compare or replace the gift of his presence. It made me think of 2 things...one, that God is ALWAYS there for us, whether we acknowledge it or not...it's all in how we respond to him, whether we open the door and welcome him or close the door and turn our backs. Second, I started thinking about my life in general...and how simply being there can have such an impact on somebody. I thought of all the times I've struggled or was sad, upset, angry, whatever...and how it was so comforting simply having someone to be there. Sometimes when you're pissed off, sad to the point of tears or just moody...having someone to keep you company, to just know that someone is THERE for you is such a comforting feeling. Friendship is something I value pretty high...and real talks, being there is one of the most important qualities of friendship. If you aren't there for me, can you really be considered a friend. The friends that I can just chill with and do absolutely nothing...those are the best kinds of friendships. I remember one time I was going through a real tough time...and I remember sitting in my car alone, rain pouring down, looking through my phone...looking for someone to just be there for me, not even to just hear me out, but to just be there, to comfort me so I didn't have to be alone. Sometimes, when you see a friend going through something...even though you may not understand or feel or empathize with what they're going through, sometimes all they need is for you to tell them that you;re there for them...that can be the greatest source of comfort and encouragement at times.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Do What You Love, Love What You Do

I always tell you guys how I still don't believe as many people read my blog as the stats says there are. I legit think I'm talking to myself sometimes...and I guess that's what keeps me being super honest and carefree about what I talk about. You know that term dance like nobody's watching...well I'm going to write like nobody's reading. It's been hard finding joy in certain things only. I'm not gonna beat around the bush and just straight up say it...it's been hard finding joy in playing softball as of late. If you don't know, I play on this church's softball team. Been playing for the past 4 summers I believe. This year feels different...I've been to like 3-4 practices so far and I haven't been having fun, not say what they're doing isn't fun, my heart just hasn't been in it, I zone out and kinda do my own thing. Maybe it's the people on the team, I don't know most of them very well. I already came in this year knowing it'd be different than previous. Heck I even contemplated joining a new team and meeting new people, but I was convinced otherwise. I've been having serious regrets and I actually don't look forward to practices unfortunately. I regret not starting the team at my own church and chilling with all the kiddies there. Today I was just very out of it...and it made me think if you don't love what you do, why do you do it? I dunno man, legit don't wanna say too much, I'm on my phone and too lazy to write so much. But here's to hoping this mindset changes, otherwise it's going to be a long season.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Guest Writer #10: Golden Frieza

Guest Writer #1: SpeakingMyMind
Guest Writer #2: Letters To You
Guest Writer #3: TC
Guest Writer #4: Anonymous Queen B
Guest Writer #5: Someone You Used To Know
Guest Writer #6: Heartlocked
Guest Writer #7: LG Slayer 231
Guest Writer #8: TC
Guest Writer #9: G. Ho

Keeping this short cuz the post is...long LOL. Thanks to the homie for taking the time to share ALL his thoughts...he took the time to pour his heart, please do take the time to read through it all, as best as you can lol...here you go, enjoy.
When I was asked to be a guest writer on the blog, I already knew what I was going to write about. Simply because I am feeling a certain way right now and I was sitting on my bed thinking, when getting a text. You can call it fate I guess. This gives me an outlet to let out how I actually feel. Feel about myself, feel about others, feel about the world, feel about the universe. I am going to warn you now, the way I am thinking and feeling right now, this is probably going to be LONG, like Subway footlong LONG, like Wolf of Wall Street LONG, like watching all the Lord of the Ring movies LONG, like … Alright I’ll stop. Seriously though, if you have the same attention span as me, just don’t read any further.

Anyways, I’m sitting here, ready to graduate school finally, and have so many assignments due, and what am I doing? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Literally. Before writing this I was literally going on random websites, going on Facebook, reminiscing about life. I have noticed that for the past little while I have been so unmotivated to do anything. And I don’t know why. I know I used to be motivated, I could finish an essay within a day and still get an A on it, or even an A+. I am a procrastinator, that’s just me, I’m late finishing my assignments, late to get ready, late to arrive places. I just do everything late. I even finish late (if you know what I mean ;). But I have never been this unmotivated before, it’s like I skip class, sleep in, don’t make use of my days anymore. And I don’t know if it’s because I am close to the end, or if it is because I don’t know where to go from here.

I have goals, aspirations, as we all do. I want to be a ballet dancer. An elegant, beautiful ballet dancer, that can rock a tutu and look stunning without trying, doing the pirouette so elegantly while people watch me on a New York City stage, but I don’t have the body for it. I have wanted to go start working out for so long, but I haven’t even done that yet. I feel like it’s time for a change. Really though, when I think about why I am unmotivated, I realize it might be my friends influencing me. I have friends who are successful, they don’t have jobs, they have CAREERS they are doing well, and that’s who I want to be around. See the thing is I am VERY competitive. If I don’t win in something, I literally won’t stop until I win. So these types of friends are good for me, they motivate me to be a better person, because as shallow as this sounds, in the end my goal is to be better than them. Not in spite of them, but just to prove to myself that I can do it.

Then I have another group of friends, and these are the ones that are bad for me. I love them with all my heart, but they are the ones who aren’t in school. They are mentally incapable of doing school work or having a decent attention span, and literally just working retail jobs and staying out all night at Tim Horton’s doing absolutely nothing, maybe occasionally smoking here and there. I don’t want to compete with them, because then it doesn’t push me, it doesn’t push me to be a better person. I am not saying I am better than them, but there is an end goal, and they don’t seem to have an end goal. It’s like they don’t know what to do with their lives, so they just do nothing and hope everything ends up well. One of my friends had an interview downtown as a mail boy. Like you know, the people in offices who put the mail in the right slot for whoever the mail is meant for. When I spoke to him, he was saying how this wasn’t just any job, it was a “CAREER” and not to be condescending (I guess it’s too late) but when did being a mail boy become a career? When did someone get a job as a mail boy and say to themselves “N**** WE MADE IT”. It was funny, actually it kind of sucked, because he didn’t get the job because even for THAT job, they expected him to have some sort of college diploma, degree or experience. I didn’t realize putting mail in a slot needed extensive research and experience. I was a paper boy when I was 8 years old and I KILLED IT, put the papers on the right door step, so people didn’t have to step outside, they could reach from inside. I must have been a CHILD prodigy according to these people. Then I had another friend (who’s friends with the other guy I just mentioned, same friend circle) who’s girlfriend broke up with him because she was in school for travel and tourism and she was like “I need to focus on school, I need to focus on school and I am going to be travelling a lot” alright no offense, but you do realize travel and tourism is basically being a travel agent right? Even if you were a travel agent in another country you wouldn’t be going all around the world, you would be in just on other country. I think what you’re thinking of is “FLIGHT ATTENDANT” which you clearly are not in. Sorry I sound condescending again, but him and his girlfriend dated for like 4 years, and when I found out that was the reason, I didn’t know whether to laugh, or to shoot myself in the head, twice. It was at this point where I realized that their goals and my goals weren’t on the same level, what they considered to be “careers” and “life changing” wasn’t the same for me. Even what I am aiming to be, which is a teacher, isn’t what I think of when I think “I MADE IT”. But it is my goal, because I WANT to do it. I have high expectations of myself. Especially because one of my friends is already successful, and is making more money than probably some of our parents do. Now money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does buy a hell of a lot of other things, so basically F*** happiness, I just bought a BMW, a Benz, and the blonde that likes my new convertible just gave me her number, I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty close to happiness.

Now I know I sound like an asshole, but I feel like a lot of people try to be nice, and say nice things about people, just to get stepped on themselves. A lot of people try playing the nice card, and be nice to everyone, but I have seen the same people get used, over and over again, and they still continue to be nice. Now I am not saying to be a total asshole like me. But what I am saying is why let people feel like they are better than you? That’s one thing I NEVER let happen, it’s my biggest pet peeve. When people think they are better than me, or think they have some sort of control over me, that’s why I make sure they know they don’t. They don’t intimidate me with their size, strength or power. Why? Because why should they? If I let them think they are better than me once, what stops them from using me again and again because they know they can. No ones better than anyone else. We all should be entitled to the same thing. But because of people like this, it makes me feel like I am better than them. Like I said before, I am very competitive. A friend was telling me about how they were talking about me, and how I have a bad temper, and they said I am like someone else they know that even if the person was twice my size, and I knew I was going to lose the fight, I still wouldn’t back down or get intimidated if they pissed me off. Honestly, you can call it stupidity more than you can call it bravery or courage, but screw it. When someone picks a fight with me, I feel like they are competing with me, they think they are better than me, they think they can control me with their intimidation, and that’s something I can’t stand for. Even if I did lose the fight, at least I would know I didn’t back down. So why I did I quit on this? Why did I lose motivation? Why did I stop going to class, why did I stop doing my assignments, why at almost 2 o clock in the morning instead of doing my assignment am I writing this post? What has changed in my life that has got my so unmotivated to meet my commitments? Honestly, I still don’t know. I keep telling myself, tomorrow, tomorrow I will do this, tomorrow I will do that, but I never do it. I need to start, because honestly I could die tomorrow and I would be up in heaven (yeah assholes I am going to heaven, I helped an old lady close her trunk one day and that most likely guaranteed me a spot in heaven, so F off) looking down at the world and be like, why didn’t I grab the bull by the horns instead of have his balls in my mouth?

Man if this was my essay that I had to do, it would almost be done, I think I’m at like 1700 words by now or something. Hopefully after this, I will get motivated to complete it. I honestly can’t wait to be done, I can’t wait to find that spark that gets me motivated to be a better person again, in everything that I do. My friends, family, and everyone around me influence and reflect who I am, and I want to show them that they reflected well on me and that they didn’t do me wrong (even the friend circle with different goals than me, because they have certain goals unrelated to life that align with mine). Actually, thinking about it now, it’s weird. We go through life, being in school for like half our life, 8 am to 3 pm everyday, then homework, then we go to university 3 hour lectures, sometimes 9 hour days on and off, and homework and reading in between and then we go to work, 9-5, plus travel time, so really like 5 am wake up, 7 pm get home, eat dinner, go to sleep, and repeat. It’s funny because that’s called “success”. We get a good job that keeps us at work all day, just to make money to buy a fancy car that can take us to this job, and then a nice house that we just use to sleep in. Sometimes you get 2-4 weeks of vacation time, but the rest of the time, you’re out there working. Our parents push us to be these people, society views us as garbage if we aren’t these people, or if we aren’t making money. Heck, even I was bashing on my friends for thinking a mail boy was a freaking career. It goes to show you the influence society has had on us.

Everyone looks forward to retirement, where you don’t have to work, you saved enough that you can live by the beach, no worries, no cares. But really? Your wifes tits are saggy, your balls have dropped, you go to a concert to dance and you’ll probably die of a heart attack or pee yourself while waiting to line up to the washroom where the other 500 alcoholic 20 something year olds just downed like 7 beers and really need to pee. You can only do stuff when you’re young sometimes, and we sometimes try to save money here and there, and say oh I need it for the future for this and that, or I have to pay for this and that, and I don’t want to be in debt. But who cares. You have your whole life to pay that off, but you can only enjoy some things NOW. So why not YOLO, for real, cause not only do you only live once, you are also only young once, and you won’t get that back. Even I feel old already, people my age are in the NBA, they are rappers, singer, actors, nurses, heck even CEOs. It’s like you look at yourself and you’re like what have I done with my life? What have I done that made a difference for myself, or others, or have got me known. I always wanted to do things, but never thought to do it. I feel like friends are the way to motivate you, to be like hey man lets go do this or do that. I have mentioned random things to my friends before, and they said yeah let’s do it. And then I would never follow up or do it, but who knows? What if that led to something, what if that LEADS to something now? Honestly it’s never to late to make a change, do what you want, and take risks. I’m not trying to be those motivational people but I am just being real. Screw the people who say you can’t do it, screw yourself for thinking you can’t do it, screw people who think they are better than you at something. You think we would have authors, doctors, actors, NBA players or even strippers if they listened to people who said they “couldn’t”. I am pretty sure half the people on youtube didn’t envision that they would be this famous. Pretty sure Justin Bieber didn’t think he would be THIS famous, just positing youtube videos and singing on a random step in a small town in Ontario. So what stops us from doing it? Any of us, anyone who reads this, any of my friends, me, you, your girlfriend, your mom, your dad, your brother, sister, dog, pet monkey with a fur coat that shops at Ikea, ALL of us. We all have the potential to be something greater, everyday, we have a chance. It’s all fate. The universe can be kind, things can fall into place. Just how people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, you can be in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time.

Now, I already went on a tangent, this was already long, like you probably could’ve watched the whole harry potter series, twice, and read the books, twice, and probably baked a tray of cookies and finished them all before you finished reading this. But when I texted asking how long I can write it, he said I can write a novel if I want, so that’s what I shall do. But seriously though, I want to touch upon the idea of fate. I feel like a lot of people don’t believe in fate, and I don’t want to bash you for your beliefs, but you guys are idiots. Like look at everything that has happened in your life. You have what you have, you are what you are, because you were in a certain place at a certain time. If the universe wanted it for you, they would place it for you, and if you try and go away from that and make a decision that tries to alter your fate, something else will happen to put you back into that position. Just think about it, you have the friends that you have because you live where you live. If your parents didn’t move to that area, your friend circle would be TOTALLY different. But it’s fate. It’s like with my friend here who runs this blog, we went to the same elementary school for one grade, never really talked ever, he was in a different class. First few years of high school we talked here and there but never that much. But then the last year of high school we were in the same English class. Now there would a chance we didn’t talk, but the thing is, one event can change everything. That’s my point, one event that happens, can influence a whole future of other events. Now the one thing that happened was that unlike other classes, where students can sit where they want, or in groups. This class the teacher arranged us alphabetically by our last name. Now me and my friend here have similar last names, so we sat beside each other, and from then on we got much closer, and another friend was in that class, who’s one of our best friends, who was sitting in the row next to us, just a little to the back. Because of this class, they became best friends too. Now we did talk outside of class, if he wanted a hook up on something I would get it.

The thing is I used to hustle since I was in grade 5, I was selling yu gi oh cards to high school kids when I was in grade 5, exchanged other kids red pocket money for yu gi oh cards, basically chinese new year was amazing for me. So anyways, we got even closer from that, he would come to my house to pick up the things, and we would talk. After high school ended we still talked, but not that much going into the first year of university, but again, something else happened that got us closer. We had a mutual friend, who I was hanging out with a lot in second year university, and we used to go to his house a lot to watch the super bowl, finals of the NBA, and just do other things. One day we all decided to go to the movies, and ever since then, we made it a weekly routine. This got us even closer, all of us. Now we are really good friends, and we talk all the time, hang out all the time, and they are one of my best friends. But see my point is, is that all these events kept happening, because the universe wanted us to be friends. They kept pushing all these things to happen in order for us to come together. Now it may sound cheesy, but think about it. If the teacher hadn’t put us alphabetically, if I took English class in summer school like I planned to, I wouldn’t have met him and talked to him to that extent. If I didn’t go to my friends house to watch things and decided to watch them at home instead, we wouldn’t have been reunited. If we didn’t decide to make movies a regular thing, we wouldn’t have been as close as we would have been.

Now fate has played a big part in my life. When I was in high school, trying to figure out what to do, I finally realized I wanted to be a teacher.

Now if you have been reading the whole time, first of all you are one crazy mother f*cker who either is interested in what I have to say, or has nothing better to do. But if you actually read it you are probably like, wait? If you are now saying that fate is going to get to where you are supposed to be no matter what, what is the point of trying, if you were meant to get something it will fall in your lap, even if all you’re doing it sitting at home masturbating. Well yes and no. I feel like if it is fate for you to do something, the universe will send you signs to go out and do something. It’s like you’re someone who didn’t want to do school after high school, so you’re sitting at home, watching TV, and all of a sudden a commercial for Everest college or something comes on the TV, and all of a sudden your moms like “maybe you should go to school too” and you’re like “hmmm maybe I should” and you go check out a program, you think it’s interesting and BAM you’re in school for something, you complete it, and you are doing that job. It was all meant to be.

NOTE: So according to my computer, I wrote the whole above portion on April 1st, I went off on writing and now it’s May 18th, and I am finally continuing this blog post. Now I apologize to the infamous RT of Best You Never Heard for the delay, but as I said, I am a procrastinator.

So here I am, school has ended, and I was supposed to graduate, key words “SUPPOSED TO”. The thing is, I had to get a C in one of my classes to pass, and I didn’t get that C. I kind of winged that course because I thought what the hell, it’s a C, I can get that easily, apparently not. I usually get A’s in my courses in university, but I have been slacking. Even though I have been slacking I have managed to get A’s in some of my courses. But again, I believe that this happened for a reason. I believe fate has landed me in this position where I have to go back for a full year (it’s a two credit course) just for this one course. I am not sure where this path will take me, but what I do know is that there is a reason why I didn’t pass this course. I asked my prof many times if it was possible to boost me to a C, and she rejected my cry for help. So I know this is bigger than me, I know it happened for a reason. I am just not sure why it happened, but I am sure I will soon find out.

Like I said, everything happens for a reason, and a good reason. I have seen it time and time again for many people in my life, and in own life. If you don’t believe in fate, you are probably reading this like wow this guy is an idiot, well suck on a damp branch because I don’t care. Look around you and look at what happens in your daily life, and look at all the “bad” things that happened in your life. Did something come from those bad things? What did you learn? What happened because of it? Are you in a better spot now than you were before the bad thing happened? A lot of people seem to be very pessimistic sometimes. They look at situations and stress themselves out and think their life is over. They break up with their girlfriend, life’s over. They fail a course, life’s over. They get into a minor car accident and their insurance goes up, life’s over. The point of overreacting and stressing over things that in the bigger picture are really very miniscule is pointless.

I personally try to live in the moment, live for today, because I don’t know how tomorrow will be. If I have a chance to travel with friends that I like, I will do it. Because I don’t know if those same friends will have enough money later on to do it, I don’t know if I will have time later on to do it, so why not now. There are chances I had to travel with people, but I rejected their offer because I didn’t like one of the people in the group, or I felt like travelling with them wouldn’t be that fun. So what’s the point of travelling with people who you don’t think you will enjoy being with? I like to be myself around my friends, feel like I am not being judged, feel like there are no underlying feelings of hatred or grudges held against each other. If someone is going to overreact to situations, they are not welcome in my life. If you take things too seriously, or be sensitive over a small situation, then you honestly can jump off a cliff for all I care, because I seriously don’t need people in my life who are going to make my life harder by getting into huge arguments over small things.

This takes me to a certain situation that I want to address before ending this blog post. There are people in your life who will have “bipolar” personalities. One day, they’re your friend, they want to hang out with you, they want to know about your life, they are kind and joke around with you. The next day, they are mean, they are judging, and they take everything you say to heart, and start arguing and fighting with you, and you don’t even know who you’re talking to anymore. Now these are the people I hate. Mainly because you don’t know who they really are. They hide behind different personas, they make excuses, and they are literally pieces of shit. Now I don’t mind arguing with people to a certain extent, as long as there is a solution at the end. But, if it gets physical, I take that to heart. Mainly because it takes a lot of willpower to not get physical, and if you really do care about your friend, you wouldn’t try and hurt them with violence, a push and a shove is one thing, but a punch or a kick is another. Those are the things that get on my nerves. I find that to be a sign of disrespect, and I literally do not care if you die, I hold grudges, and I will hold that grudge until I see you at your funeral, laying down in that coffin. But hey, at least I was respectful enough to come to your funeral. Now you may think I am being harsh. Maybe I am. But there is one person that comes to mind, who I have known since elementary school, and who I have hated since then. In elementary school, when I was a child, I would imagine him burning in his house, just burning, and dying and being out of my life, making my life much easier. I know it sounds borderline psychopathic, and maybe it is. But I have always been the type to hold grudges and hate people who cannot act in a positive way. Why bring your negative bullshit into other people’s lives? Compose yourself in a good manner, because one of these days, you’ll end up in a body bag. Not by me, because I am not stupid enough to stab you in your stupid face, but you will piss off the wrong person, and when that day happens, I will know that it happened for a reason.

Now I am obviously not going to end off on a negative note. The reason I said that part was because A. I wanted to get that off my chest, and B. because it was a leeway into what I am going to say next. Now I know I have been talking a lot about fate, and this is what ties into it. I feel that certain people are put into your life for a reason. The same, certain people are taken out of your life for a reason. A person enters your life, and bring you immense joy, day in and day out, or a person can enter your life, and make your life miserable, or a person can enter your life and YOU can either bring them immense joy or make their life miserable. It’s all in your own state of mind, and what you choose to do.

I have always been a good person. I try and help out whenever I can. But I have reached a part of my life where I have realized the world we live in. A world full of A-holes. Straight up, that’s the world we live in. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you cannot rid the world of A-holes, they are everywhere. They are in your school, at work, at the supermarket, at the bar, in the barber shop, under your bed, they are everywhere. And I have come to the point where I don’t care if I am one too, because realistically, being nice doesn’t get you anywhere. So I am not going to take anyone else’s bullshit, because that’s not who I am. I live my life, how I want to live it. The people in my life are there for a reason, if they deserve my respect, and my kindness, I will give it to them, if they don’t then they won’t get it. It’s as simple as that.

When you look at your life, and what you have accomplished, don’t just look at your own life. Look at the people’s lives around you also. What have you done for them? What have they done for you? Are you having a positive effect on them? A negative effect? Are you happy with the effect you have and had on them? Because at the end of the day, we are all here having an effect on each other. Our family members, our friends, our classmates, our coworkers, everyone impacts each other in some way. Whether the universe planned that or not, I don’t know, but just be optimistic and realize that in the end, no matter what you did and what you do, everything happens for a reason. I can be an angry person, hold grudges, and want to punch someone in the face. But I also can be a person who takes everything as a joke, can laugh and be kind, and I feel like a lot of people know me as that person. You want to be remembered for the good things, not the bad. At the same time, you should work towards your goals. Goals don’t have to be at society’s standards, like I said, just because I want to have a nice car and a big house doesn’t mean you do. One of my goals is to watch and catch up with Game of Thrones, it’s a simple, attainable goal, but I haven’t even started yet. However, it’s still a goal, and once I finish watching it, I will feel like I achieved something, as if it were an accomplishment. Goals can be big or small, the point is to have purpose in life, make yourself feel good about what you accomplished.

I could honestly keep going, but I am already past 5000 words. And if you have been reading this whole thing, congratulations, you officially don’t have ADHD, and you will probably prosper in life. As for me, I am not going to bother reading what I wrote prior to this, so good luck in life, live long, achieve your dreams and live for the moments. Enjoy your times with your friends and family, and don’t look to the future to make all your decisions, try and live for the present. Sometimes, you only get one chance at things, don’t give up that chance.

Just remember, the universe wants you to succeed, all you have to do is embrace it.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I Can't Wait...

Two posts in a day...feeling inspired...by a conversation with a friend...

I can't wait to get married...not even just to find the girl to spend the rest of my life...but the wedding...man that's gonna be hype, picking my groomsmen, planning the wedding with my wife, the ceremony...seeing the beautiful bride walk down that eye...butterflies for sure in my stomach...realizing I'm gonna be a husband. The banquet...seeing all my friends and family coming here to support and celebrate with me. Going around table to table and having conversations...reminiscing, that's gonna be so fun.

I can't wait to have kids...to schedule play dates with my friends. To babysit for my friends' kids when they're away. To buy clothes for my kids, my kids are gonna be so swaggy. I've said it before...I want one son and one daughter ideally...my son is gonna be my boyyyyyyyy, we're gonna play sports together, wrestle...but I'm gonna be a tough dad too cuz he's the boy of the fam. The daughter...I'm gonna de be overprotective dad cuz no guy will ever be good enough for her in my eyes cuz she's going to be so beautiful. She's gonna be daddy's little girl, gonna spoil her for dayssss LOL.

I can't wait to only be able to meet up with my friends like once a week...as sad as that is...it's gonna be jokes...spending the entire night together...sharing stories of work, fam, kids...reminiscing on memories, old friends, old girls, that's life man.

I can't wait to be living on my own...whether really on my own, with my brother or with friends...it's gonna be a dope experience, especially considering I lived at home for university, it'll be cool to be forced to be independent.

I can't wait to graduate...to see the look on my parents faces as I receive that diploma...legit I just wanna get my diploma, shake the dude's hand be yell I MADE IT...it's gonna be such a satisfying feeling.

I can't wait to see my friends get married...perhaps be a groomsman myself...that'll be sick. I can't wait to see who they end up marrying and just the ultimate joy on their face. Conversing with them like wow I totally saw you marrying him/her or wow I can't believe you married him/her.

Lastly, as many ups and downs, twists and turns that are thrown my way...I can't wait to see what God and this life has in store for me...

I'm Dating Her In My Mind

Fellas, I hope some of y'all do this as well...ladies, I dunno lol. Any ways, I do this weird thing where say I like a girl or think a girl is really cute...I'll like envision us together. And like in my mind or when I dream, I'll dream about us together...going on dates, going to the movies, hanging around, meeting the fam, all that kinda stuff LOL. It's kinda like I'm mentally dating her...cuz it doesn't just happen once, it happens consistently. Like there's been this one girl I've been dreaming about...envisioning myself chilling with her, working out together, taking silly selfies, all that jazz...LOOOL man I'm such a geek. Hope this ain't just me...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fake Friends Write The Wrong Answers On The Mirror For Me

The title refers to a Drake lyric...and the Drake lyric refers to the movie Slumdog Millionaire. For those who haven\t seen it, dude goes on a game show...the host is mad cool and fun and chill with him, it's break and the guy goes to the wash room...the host goes with him and they're talking like yo you've come so far and all this ish...contestant is in the wash room, host is washing his hand, contestant comes out and host is gone, but sees that he wrote the answer to the question on the mirror. So resume the game show...contestant DOESN'T choose the answer written on the mirror, chooses another one...game show host is like are you sure...are you sure...you are CORRECT. Meaning...the game show host tried to trick him into picking the wrong answer after like being all nice and ish to him. The lyric fake friends write the wrong answers on the mirror for me is saying like, don't confuse your fake friends and your real friends...people write be all for you and "write the answers on the mirror for you"...but they ain't really for you, they tryna trick you. I dunno man...this ain't a shot at nobody in particular...just observations. The birthday thing definitely sparked this...trust when I say I didn\t lose sleep over it...but it did interest me...like certain people who I talk to on a regular basis, chill with consistently...you can't even wish me a happy birthday. It's like they couldn't and wouldn't...despite fully acknowledging and recognizing it's my birthday and that it takes 20 seconds to send a text. Another thing that kinda sparked this was the softball team I play for...I posted on the group chat asking for a ride and NO ONE responded...has to ask my friend who was gonna be late cuz he waas coming from work...later as we're leaving all I hear is oh anybody need a ride...like everyone's like oh no don't worry, I drove...everyone drove and no one had the decency to respond with a sure I can drive you...or a no sorry, I'm not going that way I live far from you...aren't yall supposed to be my brothers and sisters in Christ. Again...fake friends write the wrong answers on the mirror for me. It made me think about what my friend said one time...you gotta surround yourself with people who keep it 100 with you...the people that TRULY got your back,you can count them with one hand. REAL TALKS...sometimes, I let my guard down and let people into my inner circle too easily, the depths and core of my inner thoughts...gotta be more careful next time I guess, not everyone is as for you as they say, claim they are or appear to be. Who knows...I'm probably overreacting to a lot of this...or I'm not...lol

Managed to find the clip here...

23 Thoughts

So my birthday just passed...and I'm gracious as heck to have lived 23 long and healthy years, God is good. So in honour of turning 23, here are 23 thoughts, here we go...

1. Thank you to my friends and family for ALWAYS making my birthday special, the only people that really matter in life.

2. As I've grown older, it's more about who you chill with rather than what you do on your birthday. Today I just went for lunch and played some basketball outdoors with my friends, real homies.

3. I've slowly adopted the fact that birthdays just aren't that big a deal anymore, I don't feel any different, but I'm glad for the people in my life who take the time and put in the effort to make it a special day.

4. I'm gonna bring back the OG birthday parties I used to have as a kid next year...like chilling at home, making just a bunch of food, loop bags...and just a bunch of great friends together.

5. I used to get real caught up in like oh who wishes you happy birthday, how many texts I get, how many facebook wishes and such...but all that stuff is irrelevant...no offence, but the people in a sense are irrelevant as well...as much as I appreciate the wishes...if I didn't get any wishes from facebook, any happy birthday texts,,,as long as I celebrated with people I genuinely cared about, that's all that matters.

6. I will however admit...I don't wanna say shocking or hurtful...but it is INTERESTING...when people I consider friends or homies know or recognize it's my birthday or don't say anything at all...it's like okay...I know it's not a big deal,, it's just two words, but I'd have the decency to say it to you...and I thought we were past acquaintances and pretty good friends, guess not.

7. The same people that don't wish you happy birthday are probably the same people that don't say bless you when you sneeze...like it's just common courtesy lol...random train of thought,

8. Sometimes, the most fun and joyful times are found in the most simplest of things and situations...sitting around a table talking to your friends for hours...memories I tell you.

9. As I've gotten older, I much prefer cards than money or actual gifts....money is nice...but I'm the kinda guy that loves to get cards...sentimental, hand written, thoughtful cards.

10. I'm the kinda guy that will try to write something meaningful to you even tho I don't know you at all. Case in point in high school this girl approached me to write a card for this girl I knew of but never spoke to...I like wrote this super in depth card of how I've heard and seen that she seems like a nice person even tho I've never spoke to her. She messaged me thanking me for the thought I put into it lol....I'm that kinda guy I guess.

11. Today was just a fun day...lunch with the homies, pushing a car, outdoor basketball, dinner with my church homies, cutting 2 cakes with my fam and my homies...thank you guys.

12. I've been writing this throughout the day and tbh, I guess it does kinda bother me that certain people didn't wish me a happy birthday...it's not something that I'll lose sleep over or vent to a therapist about...but it's like yo, aren't we friends...you're my homie...but whatever, it is what it is.

13. 23....that much closer to 25...it's crazy thinking high school was that long ago...it's crazy that I'm teaching high school students lol...but it's so fun and rewarding at the same time.

14. I've been like mad moody leading up to my birthday, I dunno...part of me sees it as whatever but my inner child sees it as a big deal and wants people to acknowledge it and wants to spend it with people who care about me.

15. My homie...my brother...who's in Iran right now found time to message me and tell me happy birthday, that's love man, thanks.

16. To those who didn't wish me a happy birthday, you don't matter, not in an insulting way, just in my own personal world, personal bubble kinda way, just like how I wouldn't matter if you had some special celebration.

17. To those I call friends, family, brothers, sisters, WOES...who didn't wish me a happy birthday, no saltiness over here, that's your perogative. Helps me tighten my inner circle, my ride or die, down to ride, do or die homies.

18. As I've gotten older, it's so refreshing and enlightening talking to the youth, like high school kids and seeing their perspective and opinions on things, it's so encouraging for me to be able to hate my experiences and wisdom with them.

19. My family is actually my heart, my support system, as cliche as it is, I take them for granted way too often and don't appreciate them enough. Y'all are the reason I am who I am and why I do what I do.

20. One of my favourite past times is just sitting with friends and talking about old times, old people, old memories and laughing, reminiscing.

21. Another year, comes growth...can't just get older, gotta get better. Everyday provides learning opportunities, setbacks, detours and such...but it all serves to help me grow into the man I need to be.

22. Another big thank you to just the people in my life...acquaintances, peers, friends, brothers, homies, woes, whatever...those who took the time to send me love...it's all appreciated truly truly...thank you so much.

23. Lastly...thank God for everything...for all his blessings...or the triumphs and the failures...for the setbacks and the heartaches...for everything helping me become the person that I am today. I ain't perfect...but I'm learning everyday to become a better person, to appreciate the little things, to celebrate my failures and embrace my setbacks...cheers to 23 years...till next year, peace.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Round 1 Knockout

So I've told you guys about all the times where I've ALMOST  gotten into fights...this is I think the only time I've gotten into a physical fist fight...and tbh it wasn't like a legit alright square up in front of the other guy kinda fight. So don't laugh...but we 'fought' over the stupidest reason ever...it was recess time...we were playing SOCCER. Keep in mind this happened in grade 4...my memory is a bit hazy so all the details may not be 100% accurate, but the main gist of the story is embedded in my head. So we're playing soccer, this one random kid comes and touches the ball with his hands...this big guy on the other team goes handball...I'm like dude, he's not even playing what are you talking about...he's like handball...I'm like brah, he isn't even playing. Argument continues, chaos ensues...we start pushing and stuff...now here's where our stories conflicted and ish got messy...this guy was a big dude...like twice my size probably...any ways, he somehow has me up against the wall, how...don't remember...BUT I 100% REMEMBER that my hands are up against the wall...this guy is beating my back with his fist...my argument was DUDE...if I didn't do anything...he would've kept hitting me and my head would've hit the BRICK wall...SO...I turned around and swung at him...I knocked him out...broke his nose. Got suspended...forgot how long. This guy got like in school suspension for like a couple days....mine was more severe....I was like PRINCIPAL  BRAH...if I let go...my HEAD would've hit the BRICK wall...I had to react. Any ways...I remember back then my parents thought this was a HUGE deal...therefore so did I...they're like yooo it's gonna follow you forever, you're not gonna be able to find a job and stuff...so I was legit scared...LOOOL...now I look back and laugh...matter a fact, our parents are acquaintances lol and we went to the same high school and we're cool with one another...we never ever acknowledged or spoke of it...but it was brought up like once or twice by friends...but yeah...my one and only 'fight'...lol

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Childhood Horror Stories

Sorry for being loaft...it's been a busy but enlightening time for me as of late...any ways, so when I was suuuper young, probably grade 2-4...my fam went to Japan for vacation. While we were in Japan, we went to some like amusement park or whatever. So part of the amusement park, they had this like horror section or whatever. So Japan is known for like super scary movies and all that ish...so I remember walking down this super dark basement like kinda room and it led us to this empty room with a production screen and some sketch stone benches...we all sat down and they started playing a movie. The movie itself was scary enough cuz I remember there was this scene where it was like a morgue and that's a scary picture...just a morgue with a bunch of dead bodies all covered up...like yo, what if one of them jumps up or something. Any ways...the movie was not the scariest thing, after the movie....you know what happens...from the ceiling in front of the whole audience drops this like grudge, ring looking girl hanging on a noose...now it was probably a doll or whatever...but BRAH THAT WAS SCARY AS HECK...like some scary, pale girl dressed in white like the ring...dropping down from the ceiling on  NOOSE...holy...and I was like a little kid...dang.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Awkward Male Encounters

Because 'Awkward Female Encounters' received so much positive feedback LOL...this isn't all awwkward...moreso random, study, etc lol...btw, sorry I've been mia...I know I tend to go on mini vacations and like disappear completely lol. It's been hard keeping track of time lately, but God has been teaching me a lot as of late that's for sure, any ways...here we go.

If you haven't read the female one, that's over here http://thebestyouneverheard.blogspot.ca/2015/03/awkward-female-encounters.html

1. Why not start with one of my favourite stories of all time. In elementary school, there was this new kid...pretty much he and I didn't get along, didn't like each other. Come recess, we would play basketball and THIS GUY...would purposely choose me on his team and tell all his boys not to pass me the ball. Needless to say, we almost got into a fight one time...he shoved me, my friend was holding me back, I got away from him and slapped his glasses off his face...that's it, no fight. Recess ends,I'm walking up the stairs....this guy stops me, goes yo man, I'm sorry, just wanna apologize...I stood there literally flabbergasted cuz I was like...uh what just happened LOL. Now, me and this guy are great friends...which is hilarious LOOOL.
2. This story revolves around the same guy;;;around grade 8 or so. I'm chilling and I get a call...from him...he's like hey man, there's this basketball tournament at the community centre and I wanted to see if you would join my team. Wait what...hold up, pause, time out, rewind...this is the dude who hated me...LOL...I was quiet for a bit, I was like uh...what about so and so...started naming guys other than me...in the end, I went and we played together lol...

3. This one kid is someone I'll never like...I'm 100% sure of it...and it's nothing he's ever done to me, it's moreso how he treated me. He's the kinda guy that would ONLY acknowledge me when other people are around...specifically girls...to show that he's a nice guy. If it was just us 2...this guy wouldn't even bat an eye...like I don't even exist. One thing this guy would ALWAYS do...is say we're tossing around a football...he would always be like hey Rodmond, throw it over here...I would throw it...and he would completely disregard me...or switch roles, I would be like toss it...he would be like nah. This guy cheeses me to the moon and back forreal...you fake suss man...

4. This is like in grade 5...there was a new kid in school...got to know him, he was cool. Recess time, we're playing tag...he's it...I'm standing in the wide open sand, I see this guy come around the jungle gym, THROWS A PINE CONE AT MY HEAD....hits me...I start crying...LOOOOOOOL that's literally the story...I'm friends with this guy now, don't get me wrong...but like wtf dude...who throws a pine cone...or ANYTHING in tag....still to this day never knew why he did that LOL.

5. Okay this one is actually awkward...pretty much I was dating this girl who was in grade 8 and I was in grade 12...my friend's brother who goes to her school was all like yo man why you dating him, he probs just wants to take you to prom and like have sex and ish...she told me that and I was like uh okay...so a while after we broke up, I find out THIS DUDE is dating her LOOOOOL....it got super awkward real quick cuz his brother was my real good friend, so I saw him a lot...and I would be like hey what's up...but  I could tell he was really uncomfortable LOL.

6. This one goes into the category of almost got into a fight, but didn't...which is pretty much defines who I am lol...a lover not a fighter, but I get pretty dang close sometimes. Anyways....like high school...we had some sports olympics event just a bunch of sports. We faced this one team with this one guy who talked sooooo much ish...don't get me wrong he could back up his talk in some sports. Basketball, this one guy keeeeeeeept talking ish...annoyance level at like 25%. Badminton, him and his friend...both talking ishj....annoyance level like 63%. Ping pong, same guy from ball and badminton but now with a different friend...there was this one play where we disagreed on the rules and we almost got into a fight LOL...funny thing is that the 3 guys mentioned above...I ended up playing on the same ultimate frisbee team as 2 of them and became pretty good friends with the other.

7. So in my late high school, early university days...my friends and I were goofs...messing with each other's facebooks, twitters and such whenever we got the chance. There was this one time in the library I was with 2 of my close friends.  One of these guys we always joke around with...messing with his facebook, twitter, pictures and such...so he leaves the room to go to something. I remembered his password so I logged in....that's all I did, my friend tho goes off...starts posting random tweets, facebook statuses and like uploads a bunch of pictures of my friend and changes all his pictures to this one picture. So after, we're both sitting here like yo, you think he's gonna be mad...he starts like calling us and ish...we're like yo, I think he's pisses lol....this guy comes barging into the room like he's literally PISSED OFF lol...grabs his stuff and like leaves, slams the door...comes back 2 minutes later, cuz he forgot his binder LOL....needless to say, it was dick on our part but also overreacting on his part...it's a long story with more details...but whatever, sorry homie lol.

8. This really is awkward...so apparently there's this guy that doesn't like me. I asked my friend why...he's like oh it's cuz you wear like supreme and all that ish...when I heard that I was like LOOOOOOOL wtf...that's lame as heck. My only memory of this guy is in elementary school, losing a pack of playing cards and I saw he had it, called him out on it and he denied it...suss. But that's the lamest reason for hating someone LOOOL.

9. There's this one kid in high school who was younger than me...he used to make fun of me and pretty much thought he was better than me. I used to sell a lot of my clothes back in high school...and this guy would KEEEEEEP messaging me like yo man you go swag, sell me this,sell me that...I legit sold him sooooo many articles of clothing LOOOOL, you're a suss.

10.This one was just dick on my part...it was like grade 5 or 6, lining up to go back in after recess...I see a tupperware sitting on the edge of the window, the first though that came into my mind was hey, let's kick it...kicked it into the air...landed on the ground....my next thought was hey, let's step on it...so I stepped on it and totally crushed it. Like 5 minutes later this one kid like one year younger than me comes and starts crying goes MAN, THAT WAS MY SISTERS, WHY DID YOU DO THAT...just absolutely bawling...and here I am laughing...man I was terrible lol

11. In grade 9, back when I used to chill in the cafe at every lunch...there was this one snobby rich kid who would chill with us. He would do this stupid thing where if he saw you listening to music on an ipod or something he'd be like hey man can I take a look at your ipod....once he gets it, he takes your earphones out and goes HA, STOLEN...then returns it to you like a minute later...it was hella annoying LOL

12. This one is either dick on my part...or a reasonable course of action depending on how you look at it. Pretty much there was this super weird kid...at a setting that you don't need to know cuz it'd be too obvious lol. Any ways, we would run ball all the time...and he wouild sometimes join and kinda just run around and get in people's faces, I truly believed and I still do that he had a thing against me cuz he would always bother me, annoy me, poke me and get in my face. So one time during ball runs, he's all getting in my face, touching me and poking me and ish I'm like yo, get off my, give me some space. He keeps doing....so the next possession when we're checking the ball, he's not looking and I UNDERHAND....I didn't whip it at him...I underhand threw it with slight force at his face and it smacked him right in the glasses. My boys were like yo man c'mon that's not cool...and I was just like alright my bad, but tell him to get off me.

13. This one is hilarious...pretty much my first time every going paintballing....and I was TERRIFIED. There were dudes with like their own guns, camo shirts and ishm flashy masks and stuff. There were these 3 guys who had red dot sight on their guns...just standing in plain sight shooting at people with like full camo gear...my friend said police or some people use paintball for training. Any ways....my friend and I got invited cuz of this other guys' bday...he's going ham cuz he's done this so many times...I'm hiding in a little crevice with my friend....all I hear is a gun shot and OWWW come from my friend...I'm like what...he's like YO YOU SHOT ME MAN....LOOOOOOOL....apparently I accidentally shot him....any ways, in the span of like 2 seconds...this guy popped his head into where we were hiding...shot me in the ear, and disappeared LOOOOL.

14. Back in elementary school my friend and I made a bet....this song we were listening to mentioned shoes and I thought he said 'white and ones' while my friend thought he said 'white air ones'...pretty much I got this other guy to be like YEAHHHH MAN IT IS WHITE AND ONES...now that I listen to the song again....I'm like 97% sure he said white air ones LOL...cuz what rapper rocked white and ones, let alone and ones in general LOL, white air ones just makes so much more sense.

15. In elemenetary school, when I didn't have a cell phone and used to actually go on the phone a lot...sorry lemme backtrack a bit...I was talking on msn with my friend and suddenly his cousin took over and started talking ish about the picture I had which was Lloyd Backs I believe. Any ways we start arguung and beef ensues...cuz at that age, we had beef with people for no reason lol...any ways, I end up calling my friend and I'm like yo, put your cousin on the line and we start arguing and cussing at each other LOOOL. Now, recall the basketball tournament in story number 2....well he was there LOOOOL....we literally didn't say a word to each other...just looked at each other here and there.

16. Again, this goes in the category of almost getting into a fight, but didn't....I remember talking to this one girl in elementary school...for some reason she invited her other friend to the chat and we started arguing or something....so this girl's like YO DON'T MESS WITH ME...I know asian gangsters and they're gonna come beat you up. I'm in like grade 7 keep in mind, so I think I can fight anybody. So in the chat is me, my friend and her friend...her friend invites this one guy who's picture was like 2 eggs for eyes and bacon as a smile LOL. Her friend was like yo this guy is in the triads, don't make me make him come beat you up. The guy didn't say anything....this girl is still going off like yo man, he's gonna beat you up. This guy adds me, messages me separately and goes yo man, don't worry, this girl is stupid. Couple years later when I'm in high school....I finally meet this guy and I'm like yo, that was me...he's like LOOOOLyo that was so jokes...turns out he wasn't some triad guy...just some guy who knew martial arts...LOOOOL

17. This one goes in the same category...and literally came outta nowhere. This one guy who was alright in my books randomly comments on my picture talking ish. I couldn't tell if he was joking or now, so I just subtle said something that could be taken seriously or as a joke. Posted on his page like yo, what was that. He comments back and we start arguing....his boy randomly jumps in like YO DON'T MESS WITH MY BOY, I'LL COME BEAT YOU UP...I'm like wtf...who are you...he's like yo I'll come beat you up. Needless to say, nothing happened. Like a year later...cuz I don't forget faces...I see this guy at my school....I walk right past him, look him dead in his eye and say absolutely nothing...just straight grilled him cuz I knew he knew who I was...this guy was literally shook...some skinny kid thinking he was big....c'mon son.

18. This one was crazy....something I wish I was apart of, but glad I wasn't. I remember there was talk of a fight happening in school....some kids from another school coming and for some reason, my friends felt compelled to help the guy out and 'defend' out school. So it's last period, law class, in the computer lab...like 7-10 of my friends in that class are nowhere to be seen....I'm like damn....don't tell me. Like 5-6 pm at home. My friend's ike yo you missed it. HUGE FIGHT AT THE PARK...like some dude got hit in the back of the head with a pipe, bleeding, unconscious on someone's driveway. Just fights happening all over the park...like legit 30+ mans apparently...and it all orginated cuz of 2 guys who had an argument...30 people fighting cuz of 2 guys...stupid.

Friday, May 01, 2015

God, You Are So Good

An early post wow...I just woke up...and God has really been speaking to me as of late...none more clearer than this morning, sitting in my bed going through my phone. I decided to finally go through the passage my friend recommended me to read...Hebrews 12...and that in itself was eye opening...mentally, emotionally and physically. I'd like to share it with you guys. The title is called God Disciplines His Children.

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. 4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, 6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 12 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13 “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

Hebrews 12:1-13

After waking up, the song Blessings by Laura Story came to mind...which brought me to this video that brought me to tears. She said so many things that hit me so hard...."there is something in your life that hasn't worked out the way you thought it would, something that you've prayed that God would fix and for some reason, He's seemed to have left it broken for now." Her words literally touched my heart...she mentions when God speaks to you in that little voice directly to your heart..."what if the healing is a process, what if it's a long road that involves more sleepless nights that you ever imagined, involves more faith that you ever thought yourself capable of, will you still give me all the glory?" Her response was that she's learning to say yes..and I guess I'm in the same boat...to understand that faith can really move mountains...her last words before the song starts is what brought me to tears after it all..."just because I don't understand God's plan doesn't mean he isn't a good and faithful God with a good and perfect plan.

Don't Let Me Hold You Back

I'm a very home oriented person...which explains why I stayed at home for university. I never like going on vacations for very long...I don't like being away from family or friends. Some people's ideal summer vacation may be to go on vacation and travel all summer...my ideal summer is chilling with my friends and family everyday...going on food adventures, playing board games and enjoying each other's company. It baffles me how some people can be so quick to drop everything and travel the world...family, friends, home...but I guess their sense of adventure and tourism is just that strong. I get pretty discouraged sometimes when I talk to close friends and they're like man I get wait to get out of Toronto and move to like New York or Hong Kong or something...cuz in my head it's like I'll never see them again. Call it selfish lol cuz my ideal future is like getting married with kids...staying in Toronto and like still chilling with all my friends and stuff. To know that some of my friends may leave Toronto and such is a bit discouraging for me being so home, family and friend oriented. But then again it's not up to me to be like stay and be with me forever lol...people got hopes, dreams, ambitions and the whole world out there for them. But then again that's life right...people come...people go, people stay...people leave. So as much as I'd like to have all my friends and family by my side forever...I sadly know that won't be the case...and I feel like with each waking day, I'm slowly preparing myself for that day...to perhaps have to say goodbye to close friends...people I've known all my life, people I care about extremely...but that's life...and it moves on...so I gotta too.