Rodmond - RT - RTtheRealest

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything." James 1:2-4

"Whatever you do in life, make sure you follow your heart. Nobody can see your vision like you can see it."

A personal blog, an unfiltered and uncensored place of expression, a personal journal.

EST 12/15/2009

Monday, June 29, 2020

Welcome To The Rest Of Your Life

So I feel like when you're in your 20's, a lot of time is spent experimenting and figuring things out. You're in the time of your life for where you're figuring out friends, relationships, school, future job opportunities and most importantly yourself. By your 30's, it's more about establishing and solidifying all these things. By then, you should have a pretty clear idea of who you are as an individual and create goals accordingly. Your friend circles are more or less set in stone and the rest of your time is spent establishing a career, maybe finding a partner and/or buying your own home. To answer the question tho, I really hate to be cliche, but I just wanna be happy. If there's one thing I've learned from being in school for so long, bouncing from program to program or going from regular job to regular job...it's that whatever I do in the future, I want it to make me happy. My dad used to always ask me when I was a kid he'd be like hey would you rather work a job you hate that pays a lot or work a job you love and get paid not a lot/average. Now that I have a good amount of work experience under my belt and have worked in a few different fields of work, I can safely say that the money really don't mean jack. Obviously if you're in a circumstance where money is an absolutely necessity for survival, things may be different. But for me...I can't stand the thought of waking up every single day dreading my job...and to know that I have to do this for the rest of my life. Cuz I've worked jobs that were absolutely terrible, but I just told myself to think about the money and to keep going. In other cases, maybe it's the environment and people around you that motivate you to keep coming to work. Just getting older and knowing myself better and better, I know I won't be satisfied working a job I hate that pays good money. Literally like checking the time every hour like is it done yet, can I go home yet? Imagine that every single day for the rest of your life lol. I think about myself when I'm at work and how slow time tends to feel, whereas when you're doing something you enjoy...not only do you not even think about time but you literally look forward to it as well. Work doesn't really feel like work when you enjoy your job, it'll still be stressful a nd come with its own challenges for sure, but when you enjoy it...its a different feeling. Now I don't wanna just leave y'all with that lowkey corny answer like yeah I just wanna be happy that's it LOL. Obviously through my experiences working, volunteering and teaching, I've found things I enjoy doing and aspects in a job/career that would bring me joy. I think the common denominator for me is that whatever I do...whether it's teaching related or social work related or maybe something different...I wanna work with youth, like teens/young adults. I've worked with kids of lots of different ages and I've found most enjoyment in working with like high school kids...I feel like they bring out the most in me and I feel like I can bring out the most in them as well. Through my experiences in church, in schools, at work...and having a good sense of my personality and stuff...I genuinely feel like that's the population I wanna work with. When I figured that out, I wasn't as bummed about not getting into teacher's college anymore because this lady from my church told me like hey just cuz you're not a teacher doesn't mean you can't teach. And she was right cuz there's so many different outlets and career options that would allow me to work with youth. I don't really know how to end this post lol, I was sitting in the kitchen and it all just kinda came to me so here I am writing this at like 2 am in the morning. I wrote a paragraph and didn't like how it sounded or where it was heading so I wrote it all over again. Hope it makes sense of sounds somewhat coherent. I'll see y'all soon, peace.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ask The Audience #10: Rodmond

Can you believe it...we started these ATA's in March just for fun and the response was overwhelming, y'all really really enjoyed it and that makes me really happy. It also makes me really sad that this is the end, for now...like I've said before, consider this season 1. And I mean...y'all liked it so much (and the views were great LOL) that I absolutely have to bring it back for season 2...eventually. I wanna give a BIG thank you to every single person who took the time to help me out and answer my crazy and personal questions lol. Can't wait for whatever crazy idea hits me next...cuz the ATA's literally just hit me hella random like oh this might be a cool idea...and it was a hit LOL. With all that being said, previous ATA's will be linked below as usual...

For today's ATA aka the SEASON FINALE...I wanted to do something different, something special...it's all about MEEEEEEEE. No but I'm not tryna be narcissistic lol but I thought it'd be cool to ask people what they thought and what they think of me. I asked a mixed bag of people who've known me for YEARSSSSSS and people who've known me for a short while. NOT ONLY THAT, but I told them that I'd also leave them a personalized response as to what I think of them and also any other things that come to mind. With that ALL being said...enjoy!

So the question that I asked everyone is:
How/when did we meet? How long have we known each other? How well do we know each other? What was your first impression of me? Has that changed throughout the years/what do you think of me now? IS there any story, memory or experience that comes to mind>

Guy #1: We met each other back in elementary school in grade 7 when I first moved to Markham... which I guess makes it around 15-16 years now! I would say over the years we have gotten to know each other relatively well, although we haven't kept in touch as much as we used to. You and I had a pretty rough relationship when we first met, from fighting during recess to saying childish things we didn't really mean. As we got into high school and especially university, I think our relationship changed immensely. As we got older, we gradually got into deeper and deeper talks about growing up, girls, our passions, pretty much opened up to each other about a lot of things. I would say the most memorable thing would be our conversations with each other during every exam period. We would both be "studying" but really barely, because we usually just ended up chatting for hours into the early morning LOL. Although it gets harder and harder to keep in touch with each other, I still cherish all the times that we do spend together, from chatting to whooping his ass in ball, and everything in between! 

RT: You're one of those people that I hated growing up LOL...but over time we just clicked and became really good friends. You're also one of those friends I don't get or need to see often but it's always love when we do hang and catch up. I think when we first met, I was definitely jealous of you and that jealousy turned to a competitiveness towards you, for the longest time in high school I saw you as my rival, as the benchmark I wanted to hit and surpass, not sure if that's something I ever told you. I'll never forget the 4 am conversations in my basement, looking at cute girls on facebook and instagram LOL. I remember you asking me to play in a basketball tournament at the YMCA, and this was still when I hated you...so I was hella shook when you called me. But the one thing I hold dear to my heart to his day is when you and our mutual friend visited me in the hospital after I hurt my knee, with apples and an Archie comic (that I still have lol). You're a genuine nice guy and I think we both share that sentiment that nice guys deserve good girls. I'll still slap you up in ball tho, just name a time and place.

Girl #1: We met at Uniqlo. It was hate at first sight. I thought you were a noob. Turns out you were. So my perception hasn’t change. JOKES. Haha but in all honesty you're a good buddy and I enjoy working n hanging out with you even tho you can be hella moody. We have good laughs. 

RT: My first impression of you was lazy, like hella lazy LOL. I kept having to ask you to do the same task over and over again, I guess that impression really hasn't changed since getting to know you, you're hella lazy LOOOL, but so am I and I think that's why we have a jokes time at work. The earliest memory I have is us hanging bras in the stockroom and talking lol, don’t know know how we got to where we are now but I think we just get each other's humour and don’t really take things too seriously lol. I appreciate how rational and level headed you always are when I'm going off about things that seem bigger than they are in my head/ You know the moment that I really felt like we graduated from coworkers to friends lol...well 2 come to mind now that I think about it. One is for sure the library, seeing such a different and personal side of you was kinda surprising but really cool lol. Two is when we were at the mall and I told you about some stuff and you were like super chill and supportive about it which def eased my mind and made it less of a big deal. Thanks for being cool and for the dope conversations and good times we have.

Guy #2: We met in May or June in 2005 when I transferred to Stonebridge. We've known each other for 15 years. My first impression had nothing to do with you but more circumstance. I was bitter when I moved and was resentful initially. You know me tho I don't dislike anyone. Most memorable times would have to be our grade 8 volleyball team. I remember your serves were unstoppable and I wanted to be very much like you. 

RT: I was lowkey intimidated by you a first, you're a scary looking dude at first glance. But looking at you now and knowing you for numerous years, there's never a moment I don't see you smiling. Most people have a very calm resting face or an RBF, I'm convinced your resting face is a smile LOL. I just remember in any context, whether sports or in life, you were and still are the ultimate team player. Always encouraging people, always trying to make sure everyone is involved. Especially being a super shy kid and you being hella popular, you really helped me find my voice growing up. I remember all the heart to hearts we had and also third wheeling you and your ex every singe lunch and even after school (sorry bruh LOL). Thank you for being a nice guy and a great friend.

Girl #2: Thinking back to how we met is kind of funny, especially with how our friendship has changed so much through the years. I first met you at church, but we were kind of just acquaintances by association. What I consider as the moment we became real friends was the incident with the bananas CrossFit dude. I have no idea how I started talking to you about it, but I remember that we ended up getting bubble tea or Tims because I was freaking out and didn’t know how to deal. We started hanging out a lot more after that, and I think that we discovered that we’re kind of on the same wavelength (not sure if that’s a good description haha). It doesn’t seem like we have that much in common on the surface, but I think that we have a special connection where we get each other’s vibes and humour. We were able to open up to each other a lot and pretty quickly as well. Yeah, we’ve had some rough patches where we drifted apart, and those were really sad and actually pretty hard on me, but I’m really happy that we worked through our problems and that our friendship is stronger now. I consider you to be one of the people who knows me best in this world, and I hope that we can continue to stay close for as long as possible. Ahh jeez sorry for being cheesy LOL. 

RT:I totally forgot about banana boy LOL, honestly, my first impression of you and the first thing that comes to mind when I think about when we first met is that damn bright ass mustard jacket LOL. From there it's all a blur to how we got to where we are now. But I remember all those late night timmies and bubble tea runs and conversation in the car. We've definitely shared way too much about our personal lives with each other LOL, to the point where it's sometimes weird...but that's how I'd define our friendship because we're so different yet similar and we know each other really well. I think at the end of the day, we'd both go above and beyond for one another when the other person needs it and there's so many instances I can recount of being there for the other person or going above and beyond...surprise parties, flat tires, heart to heart conversations and an overwhelming amount of tears LOL. I know i don't say it enough, but you're a great friend, and I also don't have that many female friends I can talk to like I do with you, so take that for what it's worth lol. Like you said, we just get each other...from quirks to personality to humour...it just kinda clicks lol.

Guy #3: I met you at church. I think we’ve known each other for about 12 or 13 years now. I would say that I think I know you pretty well as I consider you one of my closest friends. My first impression of you was that you were really intimidating, and I didn’t expect us to be friends at all. I don’t know why but I guess I was just shy since you were a few years older than me. Also, I was an awkward kid that felt shy all the time, so I thought everyone that was older than me were intimidating. My original impression of you has definitely changed as we grew up together. Right now, you’re definitely one of the easiest guys I talk to and I genuinely think we can talk about anything. I don’t ever feel stress about having a one on one conversation with you. As we got older, our age gap just kind of disappeared and our conversations became more meaningful and chill. A specific memory I have of us together is definitely spending New Years 2019 together. Although things didn’t go according to our plan, it was still a dope ass night. Just having some drinks and literally talking till 7 am was so chill and stress free. Something that I have noticed is that we both have the same perspective on friendships. We both agree and understand that as we get older, friends come and go due to busy schedules or other reasons. It sucks but that’s the sad reality. However, if you really do care about a friend then you will try to put in the effort to spend time with them to avoid the situation where the friendship slowly fades away. Its sick that we both have this perspective and it really makes our friend group tight because we understand that we shouldn’t take each other’s time for granted. 

RT: What can I say that I haven't told you in person or when I was drunk lol. If this was 2k, our chemistry would be 99, I love how well we just get along...we can chill and make stupid jokes but also somehow have hella deep conversation till 7 am lol. One thing I always think about is how when you were younger, our mutual friend and I would always roast you for wearing the same clothes and how derpy you were, but at the same time you had hella potential and we both had to get in our jokes at that time cuz we knew once you got older, matured and put it all together, we wouldn't be able to roast you anymore LOL. I really like how you're understanding and not judgemental especially when I tell you the stupid stuff I've done. It's been hella dope seeing you grow from literally a little boy to a young man. I've definitely told you this, you're just somebody I never feel the need to worry about when it comes to finding jobs, the future or succeeding in life just cuz there's something about you that draws people towards you, people wanna help you and see you succeed, add me to that list as well.

Girl #3: We met when you used to help coach volleyball with Mr. Russell @ Stonebridge! I'd say we're social media friends, def have gotten to know you more thru your blog the moments I do have time to read them. It's always fun when you ask random questions like this, cause I guess it's a break from my mind to think about things I usually wouldn't. My first impression of you was that you were super shy, but also kind! I think once we became social media friends that actually interacted, I realized you weren't as shy as you came off to be & pretty jokes.
The one memory I have of you interacting with me directly was during a volleyball practice...I think we were both going to put a ball away...and I saw you go for it, while I was going for it...then there was this hella awkward pause & then I started walking away cause it was just so awkward - like i think we both reached for it at a point. Anyway, I think you ending up putting it away lmao, super random but good to know the ball was eventually put away LOL :) 

RT: LOL I've never heard of the term social media friends until now, but I would definitely agree haha. I def don't remember much during the Stonebridge volunteering days, but once we became social media friends I remember seeing that you were a cheerleader and I was oh shoot that's super dope that PET did something like that. I mean other than that the one thing that comes to mind is that you're always super encouraging and supporting when it comes to the blog and I always appreciate that. Even if it's the littlest comment or something like that was a really dope post, it really does go a long way. The other thing that comes to mind that I really like about you is also the way you use your platform...just a lot of self love, being confident in your skin and a lot of like body positive things. It's really cool to see you so open and honest about yourself and your experiences, but moreso to maintain and try to spread taht love and positivity to others is super dope.

Guy #4: I met Rod at church and if you just looked at the two of us, you wouldn't think we would be friends in the beginning. We had different interests and we hung out in different groups. It wasn't until praise team when we started to interact more. First impressions... a thug? LOLL Always saw him playing basketball, listening to hip hop, rapping, etc. Praise team allowed us to work together and I think we got really close when we had car talks and late night dinner after fellowship. It's been about 13 years and our friendship has gotten stronger. Whether it was going to wrestling events, taking photos for his blog, eating out, ranting at things that bothered us, etc. We were always there for each other and he's one of the few that I fully trust (even though he almost killed me by making the slowest left turn at an intersection...). 

RT: LOL I love that if people saw the 2 of us, they'd never expect us to be friends let alone as close friends as we are. My first impression of you was definitely quiet, like I never saw you talk and could never imagine myself befriending you and opening up to you in the way that I do now lol. Definitely can't recall what happened or how we got to the point we're at now where we can literally say the most randomest stuff to each other and not be phased at all lol. You're my brother, simple as that. We've both shared some of our most personal experiences with each other, to the point there's just an unspoken level of trust we have with one another. Thank you for trusting me so much, but also thank you for being there whenever I need to rant and never ever judging or looking at me differently. Random photoshoots, car rides, food dates, wrestling events and your signature rants where you unleash nuclear bombs lol. I'll never forget all those early morning practices where we spent about 20 minutes practising and 40 minutes just talking lol. Or hiding in your trunk and learning about the emergency pull tab in case I ever got kidnapped LOL. Just the fact that we've been through so much, seen so many people come and go and have shared with each other so many experiences and memories, I appreciate you more than I'll ever be able to let you know. 

Girl #4:We met in high school but I cannot for the life of me remember when or how. I do however have memories of how truly big of a heart you have. You've always been so kind and supportive towards me. I always knew from day 1 that I could trust you and be myself around you. This first impression has definitely not changed over the years but only grown more true. You are one of the kindest people I've ever met and you care so deeply about others. I also have always appreciated how happy you are to show those you love that you care and are willing to do anything for them. Truly loyal to the end! 

RT: So I actually remember exactly how we met LOL. You and your friend had approached my friend to sign like a birthday card and I was with him, that was when we first kinda 'met', I think I like added you on msn or facebook after that and we kinda just hit it off and became really good friends. I always loved that you were super friendly and bubbly, but also had like a lowkey fire about you...probably where the red comes in to play eh LOL. I remember we literally never had any classes together until like grade 12 I swear. I don't know if you remember this but I remember you came over one time with our mutual friend and we played cards and it was hella awkward cuz my dad was there just kinda perusing around lol. But the one thing that comes to mind is when you left for university and came back for a bit and we got to reconnect and you took me out for my birthday one year, that was super dope being able to catch up and see how you've been doing and what you've been up to. It's funny because not much of my opinion on you has changed, you're still a super friendly, dope and beautiful person and I'm glad to call you friend.

Guy #5:We met at church must've been 11 years ago now. We know each other pretty well - we have the sorta relationship where even if we don't see or talk to each other for years we can link up and its still the same way cuz we been brothers for so long. My first impression was this was just a fun dude to chill with. I think over the years tho you've gotten more comfortable sharing things that bother u or being vulnerable about shit u just thinking about. I fw that heavy, the blog has helped u with that too I'm 100% certain. Too many stories to count man. 

RT:When I think about my first impression of you, all that I can picture in my head is tank top and ball shorts LOL. I remember we would joke about how fresh you would dress at school but whenever we saw you it was tank top and ball shorts lol. I'll never forget one of the first times meeting your dad and he called me RT, then going to your house and your whole family called me that LOL. I'm glad we've kept in contact throughout the years, especially when I've lost contact with so many of the other dudes we grew up with. Like you said, it's all love and always a vibe when we do link it which is hella dope.

Girl #5: Rodmond and I met through work and I’ve known him for almost two year. I wanna say we’re not extremely close on a personal level but I’d like to say we’re pretty good friends at work. When I first met Rodmond I had thought oh man this guy seems not so friendly and probably doesn't want to talk to me as he lowkey has a resting bitch face. My impressions were completely wrong as he is very outgoing and humble. I really enjoy working with him as he always jokes around and doesn’t take things too seriously so it makes the working environment a lot more enjoyable. I think it is also cool that we both have similar fields of study as he has once introduced me to volunteer opportunities that I would love to be a part of. 

RT:The first thing that comes to mind when I think of you is StockX LOOOL, still waiting for that plug tho. But on the real, I feel like we have a similar sense of humour, which makes getting along pretty easy lol. It was def cool finding out we're in the same program and being able to tak about that and our past experiences and what drew us to that program. You\re also fun to roast for some reason LOL. Def really fun working with you and I'm sad to see you go but I'm excited for you to continue in your program and get the most out of it. Who knows, maybe we'll be coworkers again somewhere down the line LOL.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

You're Immature, Grow Up

So June feels like it's going by hella fast lol, or is that just me? Anyways, I know it's been a while since we last spoke...just been kinda lazy I guess. So I've told y'all before how I had this one friend always refer to me as immature and that I needed to grow up and be more serious. I really took this to heart just cuz I really cared and valued her as a person and what she thought of me. To the point where I was like alright...so what do I have to do to make myself seem more grown or less immature in her eyes...do I make less jokes, change my outfit, get an office job...like isn't it crazy that one person's perspective on you can affect you so greatly that you're willing to go to drastic lengths to look a certain way in their eyes? That was me, and for the longest time...I just wanted to seem grown in her eyes...and obviously and possibly as a potential partner. But with time and maturity funny enough...I came to realize that this is who I am...and to be super blunt, I don't really give a damn what people think of me. I'm goofy, I'm hella chill and I don't take many things seriously unless I need to. I think being 'immature' helps keep me relatable and also approachable to kids and youth, I've done a lot of volunteering, teaching and counseling with like high school kids and one thing I've always loved hearing is that I'm easy to talk to, people (for the most part) find it pretty easy to open up to me, and it just happens unconsciously. I've kinda learned this a lot as of late through a lot of people I've met whether through school or work or whatever. I've had a lot of people tell me hey you're a good listener, or hey I didn't expect to share this or that with you but it kinda just came out cuz I feel so comfortable around you. It's something that really helped me and encouraged me to just be true to who I am...making jokes, being chill and just not taking things too seriously and trying to see everything from a rational standpoint. I think a very important quality I've learned to embrace and to look for in other people is the ability to take a joke. I think it's really important and also a sign of maturity to be able to laugh at yourself and to laugh when people are like roasting you. You don't wanna be that person that gets all serious and butt hurt when someone makes a harmless joke about you. Now obviously there are boundaries to everything, but in this context I'm just talking about like friendly and harmless jokes. Now obviously the closer you are with someone, the more so called 'hurtful' things you could say as a joke and they wouldn't take it offensively just cuz they know it's not meant to be hurtful or malicious. Even with the blog...my friends and people I don't even know so well roast me all the time...and I just laugh about it lol. I've had so many friends who jokes mid conversation like oh so are you gonna blog about this since it's a heartfelt conversation and stuff...and they'll be like make sure you give me credit and stuff haha. I've had friends jokes about stories I wanted to tell them like oh don't worry just read it on his blog later . I and this blog have been called so many things from emotional to corny to just straight funny lol...you gotta be able to take a joke and laugh at yourself. When I read old posts sometimes I'm like damn that's so cringe or damn that's just straight up whack LOL. I've learned to not take myself so seriously...and more important to not really stress myself out with what people think of me cuz that's just something I can't control. I'll tell you one instance that a 'joke\ really got to me. I found out a few people I called really close friends would talk about me and the blog amongst themselves...stuff like how I hide behind the blog, I'm super emotional and it's hella cringe and stuff. I mean like I said, you gotta be able to laugh at yourself...but it's the fact that not only was it people I called close friends, but they said that stuff out of negativity and really wanting to put me down...and I don't think you do that kinda stuff to your friends. You joke, you make fun, you roast...but it's all out of love...I remember finding that out and I was really hurt cuz they genuinely were making fun of me and the blog...but needless to say, I don't talk to those people anymore LOL...just gotta surround yourself with love and people who help you move forward in whatever your goals are...and those people above definitely didn't do that...so DEUCES to them...and peace out to y'all...see you soon!

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Ask The Audience #9: Strengths & Weaknesses

Hey friends, so after a lot of thought I think I'm gonna stop the ATA's at 10, take it as like an end of season 1. Maybe I'll revisit it sometime in the future, who knows. For now I kinda wanna just do my own thing, feel like there's a lot of things I wanna talk to y'all about and I just haven't been motivated to do so cuz a lot of my energy and effort goes into thinking and planning the ATA's. Also this opens the doors for possible new ideas and segments, I don't even know how I came  up with the ATA's, it just kinda popped into my head...and it was a head, people REALLY enjoyed it and the views showed that too. I also wanna get back into the guest posts cuz I kinda kicked that to the curb while working on the ATA's. But like I said, this isn't goodbye, just an end of a season...and with any ending comes new beginnings. So look out for that sooner than later. As usual, past ATA's linked below...

Ask The Audience #3: Best Dating Experience
Ask The Audience #4: Worst Dating ExperienceAsk The Audience #5: Best Advice
Ask The Audience #6: Failure, Rejection, Setback, Loss
Ask The Audience #7: Quarantine Thoughts
Ask The Audience #8: Memories

I think it's really important to know things that you're good at and things you're not...it lets you know what things you need or could work on and also teaches you how you should approach certain circumstances and situations, utilizing and leaning on your strengths. With that being said...today's question is:

What do you think is one of your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Guy #1: I think that one of my biggest strengths is that I am a good people person. I have a pretty good idea of how to communicate with people when it matters, but I am also very bad at making conversation... I don't know if that makes sense. When it comes to networking or meeting new people, I am not the greatest because I don't necessarily know what to talk about. However, when it comes down to deep talks or meaningful conversations, I have a good sense on how to have those conversations. I also think being a good people person encompasses the ability to be able to stay level-headed and see both sides to a story and being understanding of all spectrums and sides to a story and not jumping to conclusions. I would say one of my weakness is my ability to control my emotions. As much as I understand different sides of a story, some things will still bother me on a personal level. It could be feeling left out from friends, or sometimes not feeling like I fit in to a certain group (even a group of my closest brothers and/or friends). Maybe it isn't so much of a weakness as it is a realization that it's okay to be vulnerable and show emotions, but I would say all in all that I'm a pretty emotional guy haha.
Girl #1: I’d say my greatest strength is that I’m pretty good at keeping a level head and thinking things through. Even in stressful situations I can usually rationalize and come up with a good solution. Hard to pick only one weakness cause I got so many but maybe my greatest one is I’m so damn lazy.

Guy #2: Strength - Working in a team. Weakness - Lack of communication.
Girl #2: One of many strengths of mine is that I am very humble. I think this characteristic is one of my greatest strengths as this allows me to build different friendships and networking relationships as it leaves a good impression and allows people to approach me within thinking something negative. Although I am young, I have been through a lot of difficulties through my journey of growth and adulthood. It has taught me to be kind and approachable to everyone because we can never live our lives to its full potential if we have such an enclosed mentality. One of many weaknesses that I live with is the fact that I don't like changes in life. I think this weakness of mine is very hard to explain as I like to live my life in a certain way and when things change, it takes me a very long time to adapt to this new change or lifestyle shift. It is very hard for me to collect my thoughts when there's such a change in my life. Things like moving and travelling without my family are very challenging to me as I do not like the change and it is almost as if I have to start a new life or a new journey in life

Guy #3: I think my greatest strength is having insight. For example, if I am talking to a friend about a problem they’re dealing with, usually I am able to point out certain things or a different perspective that they don’t see. I think my biggest weakness is having low self-esteem. When my career path or relationships with people don’t work out according to my plan, it often affects my self-confidence and self-worth. I guess I can be very hard on myself because when I fail, the first thing I think about is what I could’ve done to avoid the outcome.
Girl #3: 1) greatest strength - I think i'm a very empathetic person, whether it's at work with patients or giving advice to my friends; i try my best to understand ppl's feelings & perspectives. greatest weakness - I'm a perfectionist! makes it hard for me to "relax", and I guess it can lead to me having some unrealistic expectations for others as well

Guy 4: I think one of my strengths would be that I'm reliable. You can talk to me about anything with no judgement and it makes for some of the best conversations. I'm always available whenever someone needs to talk and even if you catch me when I'm busy, I'd still make time for you. I'm the type to check on you and make sure that everything is well. One of my weaknesses would be I overthink a lot. Mostly at how people see me or wondering what I could've done differently in situations. It's very self-destructive and at times it really brings out the bad side out of me.
Girl #4: My greatest strength: Refusing to give up, no matter how much crazy shit is thrown my way in life and how much I like taking care of people/supporting them.
My weakness: Not knowing when to walk away from something or someone because I hate leaving this "unfinished".

Guy #5: Weakness: lack of empathy. Strength: drive and focus on goals.
Girl #5: Haha this sounds like a job interview. I think that one of my greatest strengths is talking to people, especially strangers. I didn’t realize that this was an asset until just a few years ago when I realized that I have an easier time at making connections and having meaningful conversations with people who I’ve just met than most people. It’s helped me a lot during my jobs, especially ones where I interact customers, and outside of work it’s opened up a lot of opportunities for friendships that have grown and become super important to me, despite the random places that they may have started. I think one of my biggest weaknesses is procrastination (sorry Rodmond for taking so long to get these responses back to you). It’s been a big problem in my life ever since I was a kid, and it’s actually quite severe to the point where I’ll be frozen in a panic even when I genuinely want to get something done.

Monday, June 01, 2020

Quarantine Thoughts 2

Hey friends, haven't really had the motivation to blog lately...but I've been writing down all my thoughts as per usual just so I don't forget and can maybe make a post out of some of them in the future. But looking at them now, they're all kinda just small collections of thoughts that I don't really feel I can or want to expand enough into an actual post lol, so I'm just gonna cram them all in here. I'm also too lazy to link the previous 'Quarantine Thoughts', they're not that hard to find if you look lol...plus I dunno how long this is gonna go on for so I dunno how many of these I'm gonna have to make lol. I guess the first thing I should touch on is all the racism, injustice, protests and rioting going on in America right now...it's not something I wanna blow over, but it's not something I want to and more so can go in depth about just cuz I don't know enough. What's going on around the world is absolutely terrible and also really scary to think what if it happened here. Everyone has their own way of showing support and compassion and for me...I think it's educating myself so I'm more aware of what's going on around me and around the world because I've never really paid much if any attention to the news or what goes on around the world, but some stuff is hard to ignore when it's everywhere. I've had my black friends tell me about instances where they've been pulled over for no reason, or walking around stores feeling like they're being watched or even being looked at differently by people's parents...it's crazy to think about because it's not something I ever really have to worry about but it is something I'm very aware of and I think that's one of the best things you can do in order to understand and approach the situation rationally. To understand that a lot of us do carry a sense of privilege and aren't treated or looked at different because of the colour of our skin, understanding your own privilege helps you to be a better ally to those who experience racism and oppression. It's crazy writing about this because being in social service work, we've literally talked about these kinds of things all year and now it's literally right in your face and it's like okay...so what're you gonna do about it? Being an ally doesn't necessary mean you have to be on the front lines protesting and stuff, there are so many ways to show support like educating yourself or even educating and raising awareness to people who don't understand what's going on, every little bit of helps, that's just my two cents.

Moving on tho, has anybody been counting the days they've been quarantined? It's definitely been at least 2 months lol...March felt like an eternity, April and May felt like it combined together and flew by in the span of 2 weeks and here we are in June...that's wild. As the weather has been getting better, I started going on jogs lol shoutouts to Michael (that's not his name LOL) for encouraging me to go so lol. It's been really nice seeing people outside walking, jogging or with their dogs or families...makes things kinda feel a tad bit normal. I started seeing some friends again which has been really nice and adds to the whole normalcy...just going on walks, grabbing bubble tea and even getting back into sports a bit lol golf, basketball, softball...it's been nice. Other than that, it's been the same old thang...netflix, snacks, videogames and exercising and talking to the homies in between lol. On another note, you know what's one of the dopest things that people tell me in regards to the blog...and I've probably shared this before...when people tell me like yo when I read your blog I can fully hear it in your voice or like it really sounds like you. I honestly love hearing that because I mean like...this blog is me, I had a friend tell me one time like yo I read this person's blog and it just didn't sound like them, it sounded like they were trying too hard to sound smart or like use hella big words or whatever. I kinda laughed cuz when I think of my blog, I think of just super raw and unedited, slang and poor grammar and a lot of “...” LOOOL, I'm definitely not using them correctly but I dunno, it just goes with what I'm saying and it's how I picture it flowing in my head lol. Continuing on with this blog tho...I will say one thing is that it's just hard to promote this blog lol, especially to new people or like strangers for example. Moat people have like a general theme or topic that their blog follows...oh follow my food blog for dope recipes and stuff like that or oh follow my blog for like makeup or fashion tips and stuff like that. With me, it's kinda hard cuz my blog is just about...my life LOL. It's hard and kinda weird to be like hey check out my blog, it's about my life, read this post because my life is so dope and interesting LOL. It just doesn't sound right and sounds weird in my head if I were to try to promote myself or advertise it to people. It's moreso just like yeah so this is a blog where I write about my life, thoughts and experiences...it is what it is, check it out if you'd like and I hope you enjoy, laugh, learn or take something out of it lol. I'll never truly understand how or even why the blog grew to what it's become...cuz it only really started with like my friends and maybe a handful of people reading it...but even then my friends didn't even read it everyday lol and they still don't cuz a lot of them live out the stories that I share cuz they're right there with me lol. For me it's like...well why does this random person wanna read my post about a random girl I liked or like a random experience I had in school LOL. I'll never understand...but some of y'all keep coming back, some of y'all find some sort of enjoyment or fulfillment reading my posts (I hope), and that makes me happy and is good enough motivation to keep going. Last thought before I go, I had a lot more but I'll save it for another post lol...you know what might be the greatest thing about this blog...when random people or even when friends hit me up and they're just like yo I really like the blog or yo that post was really dope and I really resonated with it. I've had friends tell me that on multiple occasions but it's always nice when ther andom people or the people I would never expect to read my blog reach out and they're just like yo that's dope or even like a keep it up...it honestly goes soooo far in terms of motivation and encouragement. But yeah, that's all I wanted to say, hope you're doing well and if you made it here...see y'all soon, PEACE!