Rodmond - RT - RTtheRealest

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything." James 1:2-4

"Whatever you do in life, make sure you follow your heart. Nobody can see your vision like you can see it."

A personal blog, an unfiltered and uncensored place of expression, a personal journal.

EST 12/15/2009

Monday, March 29, 2021

Guest Writer #40: Golden Frieza

We made it y'all...the last guest post, ever...or is it? Nah it just feels right to close it off now, I definitely have other things planned and the guest posts had a good run. Started this little series in September 2013 and here we are in March 2021 calling it a wrap. I just wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every person that wrote one or multiple guest posts for the blog...it's not easy sharing your life in such a public space and it's especially not easy being vulnerable or talking about super personal things so I'm thankful for each and every one of you and especially those of y'all who really dug deep and shared some super personal and intimate stuff about your life cuz I know firsthand it can be scary and uncomfortable lol. With that all being said, PLEASE show some love to all the previous guests posts and enjoy the last guest post ever, NUMBER FORTY.


You’re Doing Amazing, You’re Killing It, You’re Exactly Where You Need To Be.

Weekends. The two days where we countdown to, counting down Monday to Friday, for those two days where we apparently can relax or “live our life”. We literally go through 5 days, just to enjoy two days, sometimes even less, because I know some of us spend Sunday thinking about the fact that we have to go back to work on Monday, so Sunday is a write off basically. Friday night can be a write off too, because we’re too tired. So basically, we spend our lives waiting for Saturday so we can really do what we need to do. One day out of 7. We literally have 52 days in a year where we can unwind. Now this is just for 9-5 jobs, but even if you work in a job where you work weekends, you literally look forward to the one or two days a week you have off. Why do we do this? Why don’t we make use of every minute we have on this earth and cherish it, no matter what we’re doing. I literally started making everyday a weekend in my head. Even though I am working, I treat it as a day of experiences, a day of learning, a day of spreading positivity and good vibes to myself and those around me. Even if you’re out here folding clothes, there’s still some solace and tranquility to it, cherish the moment. Cherish the moment you fold that cotton v-neck sweater and put it on the shelf, it’s an art, you Banana Republic Picasso. And no I am not talking about anyone in particular. I am just saying there is art, there is peace, there is accomplishment in everything we do. Instead of cherishing these moments, we tend to countdown until our next day off, not living in the moment. I was guilty of doing this at one point in my life, and then I realized I was watching my life pass me by. Life passes you by if you don’t stop and look around every once in a while. Your life is shortened massively when you’re only living for about 15% of the year. Why not live for 100%? Anyways, there’s a reason I realized this.

Life is short. No matter where you are in life, you’re doing amazing. A lot of people measure their own success with someone else’s ruler. I know people who were happily married at 24, and have 2 kids now and a house. I also know people who were married at 27 and now divorced years later. I know people who are single, but living their best life. I know people who are single who really want to find someone. No matter where you are in life, how big your house is, how old you are and what car you drive, do you ever stop to think … why does it matter? Does it even matter? Does it matter that you’re not at the same “level” as your friends? We all have different definitions of success, different goals, different aspirations, but we ALL matter. For example, if everyone was a successful entrepreneur who sold luxurious candles, we would have no doctors, we would all be dead. But at least we would have some lit candles (literally) at our funeral. I’m thinking a nice Tom Ford eau de wood scented candle. We are literally all important, let me use one of my friend groups for example. One works at a clothing store, if we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t be able to buy clothes. One works at a phone company, without them we wouldn’t have our cell phone plans and we couldn’t keep in contact with each other. One of them works for a marketing company that works with groceries, without them we wouldn’t know what deals are going on to do our grocery shopping for the week. Savings? I know everyone loves savings. We literally need everyone to be doing exactly what they’re doing so the world can go round. So don’t feel bummed that you didn’t quit your job and create a podcast, or chase your dreams of becoming a rapper or an artist. Not everyone can do it, and if everyone could do it and be successful, then those things would be worthless. If everyone made amazing paintings, no one would buy one. It would be pretty basic. Supply and demand. The reason these things all seem so enticing is because only particular lucky people can make it, but you’re still doing amazing in whatever you’re doing. We all can’t be Drake. We can’t all be Steve Jobs, but we can be us. Without us, the world would be a different place. Imagine how much impact you have on the world. Since you were born, you have interacted with so many people, that literally if you weren’t born, those people’s lives would be completely different. One thing you said to them or did to a particular person could’ve literally had a ripple effect and you didn’t even realize it.

Life is short. I will say it again. I don’t want to get too personal, but my sister has a disease that’s literally one in a million per year. Like one in over a million people get it in a year. She got it when she was 19. She is one of the youngest people to ever get it, according to the specialist. She recently went for an MRI, and they said that even after all this medication, and all these side effects from the meds, it still didn’t help. These side effects were pretty bad too, anxiety, depression, weight gain, possible hair loss, like it was pretty bad. All of that just for her to get no where. It’s been so disheartening going through this journey with her. She is my younger sister, we talk about growing old together with our families, we talk about the future. So to hear things like this is scary, to say the least. I would give my sister any organ, anything she needs. It isn’t that easy though is it? She literally can’t walk for over 20 minutes without breaks, and we take something like that for granted everyday. Her meds make her feel nauseous every night, another thing we take for granted, just the fact that we don’t have that same discomfort every night. The list goes on. Honestly, everyone goes through something. The best thing we can do is ride with it, and realize it’s a part of us, and make use of the fact that we’re here, alive, and capable of doing whatever we are able to do. Make use of everyday. Make use of every hour, every minute, every second.

This is life. You have one life to live. Don’t waste it on a toxic ex partner, things in the past that you can’t control, people and situations in your life you can’t control, stop wasting your time. Be positive, be optimistic, be realistic, but mostly importantly be you, be beautiful, and live life the way you want to live it. Help others live their life, love unconditionally, give hugs to those who need hugs, smile to those who need a smile, but most importantly give yourself the love, the smiles and the hugs you deserve. This may sound cliche, but I find too many people are way too hard on themselves, and I am STILL guilty of this. I know I need to change myself, I know I need to live in the present, I know I need to move on from the past, and I know that I just need to cherish the memories that I’ve made that make me happy, be happy where I am, and be excited for where I am going to go. Are you going to do the same? You’re doing amazing, never forget that. The world needs you. Just like it needs me, and everyone around me.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Mementos & Memories

Hey friends, I know it’s been a while lol I apologize. I’ve been in a weird head space lately and haven’t really even been thinking about writing. The guest post is good and ready, could’ve posted it Monday but decided to save it for next Monday, yeah I dunno it just feels like I have so much on my plate but at the same time like I’m not really doing anything about it LOL. Reaching the finish line fr school, graduating this year, gotta start looking for jobs, still got work and like co vid kinda also zaps you of like any motivation or energy to want to do anything lol or maybe that’s just me. I was scrolling through the notes on my phone like hmm maybe I should put out a post tonight, but I was like man I dunno what to talk about lol I’m not really feeling any of these. The it kinda hit me as I was staring at the note. It’s crazy how lspecific songs, things, places or whatever will remind you of people or even specific moments that you had with those people. This applies to like all my friends but it definitely hits harder with the people I don’t talk to anymore you know. Like obvs there’s things that remind me of my friends, but because I still see and talk to them and we’re still creating new memories, it’s a thought that comes and goes. Whereas with people I don’t talk to anymore, that’s all I really have…memories, so it kinda lingers you know. Like when I was in high school there were specific songs that reminded me and still do remind me of specific girls in my life lol and I used to stay away from those songs cuz I didn’t wanna think about it but now it’s funny to listen to cuz their faces are like attached to those songs for me. I look at like my basement and all the hours I spent gaming with the guys and random sleepovers that really weren’t sleepovers cuz we’d play videogames till like 4 am, sleep for a few hours then wake up and play more videogames LOL. Everytime I walk past this park it reminds me of all the times I would chill with this one girl and we’d talk for hours late into the night just chilling in the park. I even look at certain restaurants like oh damn I remember I met up with so and so here and we talked about this or this happened. It’s really crazy and really cool to think about…in a happy and sad way lol like it sucks it’ll never be like that again but I’m happy that it happened and I can look back on it you know. Because I’m such a hoarder of sorts, I like to keep these things to look back on…old birthday cards that just say happy birthday rodmond and then a signature, I keep that stuff lol…letters from my ex (we’ll talk about that another time)…random cards from like baptism, Christmas, etc. It’s also why I love looking back on like yearbooks too lol…it’s like I enjoy the sadness it brings but also the happiness in looking back at the memories LOOOL is that weird, or rather does that even make sense? I look at this blog for example…my life told through posts…stories, experiences, lessons that I get to look back on if I ever choose to. And at the end of the day, things that led and helped me get to the point that I’m at today. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t like deleting or throwing things away lol whether old conversations or physical mementos, I keep that stuff for the accidental times I come across it or the random times I clean my room and find it LOL. But yeah, I hope you’re doing well…maybe I’ll hit y’all with an update post when I collect my thoughts lol, catch y’all on the flip side…PEACE.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Guest Writer #39: Someone You Used To Know

We're reaching the end man, damn...it's a little bittersweet...something I started so long ago and have been able to share with so many of my friends and acquaintances alike, it's really cool looking back at all the posts, how people felt. Something I also can't help but think about is the person behind the guest post and who they were to me at that time and who they are to me now...cuz things are always changing you know, you grow closer to some people and you drift apart from others, but anyways...show them some love and enjoy today's guest post!


Pivoting and Transitioning

Before I jump into this, just wanted to give a big shoutout to RT the realest for giving me an opportunity to get on the blog. This has been a space that was homegrown and explicitly showed his inner thoughts to you guys which is quite rare nowadays. So thank you for giving people a blog full of posts to ponder about it because I know a lot of us can relate.

But let’s jump right into it!

Pivoting and transitioning….Nah I’m not talking about basketball… We ain’t talking about PRACTICE! Sorry I had throw that in there, but I’m talking about pivoting and transitioning through life and making decisions. I can speak for myself and maybe some of you guys can agree, but if something you worked so hard to make your plan happen or you had your mind made up on something on things were going to go… but then it doesn’t. I don’t know about you but stuff like that used to eat me up inside and it would show visibly on my face. It would bother me so much that my mood would change and honestly it started creep into my relationships/friendships and my family. Until someone really close to me put me on the art of pivoting, which is essentially going from plan A to plan B. When something doesn’t work out, instead of focusing on where things went wrong…. focus on how you can salvage the situation and turn into a bright spot. If you can pivot and transition from something going wrong to looking for ways to better your situation, you’ve already mastered the art of pivoting and transitioning. One of the things that helped get better at pivoting was this quote, and I hope this helps you pivot your way through life’s trials and tribulation. “What has reached you was never meant to miss you and what has missed you was never meant to reach you” Prophet Muhammed(Pbuh).

Friday, March 12, 2021

Hit Or Miss

So it feels like it's been a while since we've talked for some reason...anyways, so I feel like there are just some things in life that you can't control. That's a pretty obvious statement and this is definitely something I've talked about on the blog before. So like I said there are some things in your life you just can't control, one of them is who likes you and who doesn't like you...not romantically just as a person, but I guess you can apply it romantically as well. No matter how dope of a person you are or think you are, no matter what you do or say some people just won't like you for their own varying reasons. The other thing for me at least is that I can't control what posts y'all like or dislike, and this is something I've said a million times like the posts I think are super dope, put a lot of time and effort into usually don't generate as many views as like the ones I just write spontaneously or write without much thought or effort. At least that's the trend I notice lol there are def variable and there are def topics that I know will garner more views like anything related to girls or relationships lol. At the end of the day, something I remind myself of is that some posts are gonna hit and some are gonna miss, that's just something I can't control and def something I shouldn't get stressed over (which I don't lol). Timothy Dela Ghetto is somebody I really vibe with and you'd know this if you knew me, so he's always like man I put so much money, time and effort into skits and they don\t get as many views as like mukbangs and that's just eating and talking. He's like I enjoy doing the skits but mukbangs are so much easier cuz you're just eating and talking with the homies. I think about the blog in that aspect sometimes too lol like how easy would it be to just write about girls are relationships constantly and watch the views pile up LOL. But that's why I sometimes say that this blog as much as it is for you is moreso for me...as therapy (bars) and like just a form of expression, being able to write and talk about whatever I want and I've said it before I really felt that freedom when the blog hit a million views cuz it was like a huge milestone but also a huge weight lifted like the pressure was gone in a weird way lol. Right now I feel like less need to maximize views and more just being creatively free...making posts like updating y'all on my life or experimenting with new ideas like the Ask The Audience Posts. At the end of the day, like I said I can't control what posts people enjoy reading or don't enjoy reading, I just have to keep writing for myself, talking about things I like, things I know and most importantly things that make me happy...and shouldn't that be what it's all about? So till next time, PEACE.

Monday, March 08, 2021

Guest Writer #38: TC

 As always, all of the previous guest posts will be linked below...show whem some love!


My man thanks for having me again. Honestly, every time I make a guest appearance I like to look back through the previous posts and see who I was and what was on my mind at the time. It’s cool seeing how my perspectives have changed through the course of these guest posts.

I guess the biggest thing on my mind right now is passion. I feel like most people at this age yearns to do something that they are passionate about but lack the courage or awareness of what their passions are. I am at the point in my life where I am scared to see who I would be in 10 years if I don’t chase / find my passions. It’s like I am looking at a divergence in my life where one path is the typical American Dream, but the other being absolutely unknown, yet completely enticing. You know that feeling when you were a kid and you had the naivety of wanting to change the world. I don’t want to lose that.

Growing up, we all had these wild dreams that we wanted to pursue. For me, it was always some variation of helping the poor, fighting for equality, representing the underprivileged – just making a difference. Moving back to the East Coast has given me the chance opportunity to befriend a group of Harvard Law students. Talking to them and hearing their stories of foregoing the Corporate dollars, to pursue careers of representing the underprivileged, or fighting for equality gave me a wake up call. I was once like that.

The next chapter in my life is yet to be determined, but I am excited and can’t wait to see where my passions take me.

Friday, March 05, 2021

When The Blog Blows Up...

When I was younger and I first started the blog, the only real goal was to blow up. I feel like I sometimes still go through phases of wanting the blog to 'blow up',like it just takes ONE famous or even semi-famous person to tweet or post about my blog and I'm set LOL, that's how I used to think at least. I used to think to myself if the blog ever hit a million views, it'll mean we've blown up...I say if cuz honestly I never thought we'd ever hit a million views lol it just seemed like just a large and unattainable number, but we did/ I think back to a conversation I had with a friend where he straight up told me “your blog will never up”. And he didn't say this in a ill=mannered or rude way, but he wa more like people just don\t care LOL. I know it sounds rude but it's not, he's like think about it...it's a blog about your life, it's a dope blog but like why would some random person on the street care about clicking onto a blog about some dude's personal life. And when he put it like that, it really sat with me and I was like damn, you're so right. I don't offer no fashion tips or food recipes or anything of real “value” if you will, it's literally just my life and my experiences, some advice here and there...why wiuld the average person that doesn't know me care or even be remotely curious about my blog lol. In that context, I understoof and was like yeah, my blog probably will never blow up. But then I camme to this new realization...of like sure maybe the blog will never blow up, I'll never influence millions of people, but maybe that's not the purpose of this blog. Maybe the path I'm on is to influence and affect the circle and the people around me. Like over the years I've received a lot of dope messages from friends, old classmates, social media buddies who were like yo I really related to this post or I really liked this post or this post really nelped me out and those words meant the world to me. I thought o myself like yeah some people are meant to influence, inspire and encourage large crowds and bodies of people, but maybe some peopleare meant to just do that to a small handful of the people that surround you. I kinda imagine some like motivational workshop or something, just because like 10 people attend your workshop vs 100 at another person's workshop doesn't make what you're saying any less important, it just means you're only speaking to the 10 people. I kinda feel simiar to that of like well maybe the blog will never blow up and I'll never inspire the masses LOOOOL but like maybe I'm just meant to encourage, inspire and motivate the people around me and that in itself was such a dope and reassuring feeling. I remind myself of that now and it helps me to keep moving forwad, even if I can help one person who's going through a difficult situation by giving them some insight, or maybe some comfort or whatever, that's good enough you know. Again, I just think back to all the people that have reahed out to me over the years and I'm super thankful to even have this platform and have this voice for people to read, relate, laugh, enjoy, etc. So yeah, with that...I'll see y'all next week, GUEST POST ON MONDAY!

Monday, March 01, 2021

Guest Writer #37: Inner Self

#8: TC
#18: SpeakingMyMind

Hello friends, I'm very excited to be bringing back to y'all the guest posts but only for the month of March! Meaning I'm gonna hit you with a guest post every week of March. So I originally thought to myself that I wanted to retire the guest posts at 50, but tbh it's pretty hard to find guest posts cuz I don't really have that many friends and the guest posts are definitely more personal and take a lot more openness and honesty which not everyone is comfortable with which is totally understandable. Which is why I wanted to end it at 40 since it's a round number and shift my focus to the Ask TheAudience series because it's definitely more casual and easier to simply ask people questions rather than having them write an entire post. But with that, if y'all are new here, the guest posts are something that was created super organically. One of my friends hit me up a long time ago and was like hey can I write a post on your blog and I was like wtf that's so random, it's my blog...but then I thought about it and was like yo, that's a dope concept, having different people write posts about whatever they choose and give y'all different insights and perspectives. And with that I opened the door for friends or people in general to reach out to me if they wanted to write a post on my blog and over the years I've been super blessed to have so many different friends, peers and the likeness write some super dope, funny, personal, inspiring and encouraging guest posts. So I hope y'all enjoy and also take the time to show some of the previous guest posts some love cuz it def took time, energy and courage to write one. Enjoy, and I'll see y'all soon, peace!



So far 2021 has been a pretty busy year. I’m currently about to finish school and it’s been kind of crazy as I am also in the process of prepping and applying for jobs. It just feels a little overwhelming as it seems like a lot is slowly piling up. As much as it is stressful, in a way, I’m really happy that I have a goal for what I need to do after school is over. I have a clear idea of what I want to do, where I want to be and how I can get there but at the same time, I doubt myself a lot. I definitely have these negative thoughts where sometimes I feel like I’m behind or I’m not where I’m supposed to be… Something that I’ve learned about myself is that I often check up on my friends and they’ll tell me how they’re doing and somehow, I’ll just start to compare myself to what they’re doing in life even when we’re not in the same stream of schooling or work. So, I have this one buddy of mine and we’ve been boys since high school. I think he’s really successful and I definitely look to him as someone that motivates me. So, one time I had a heart to heart convo with him on the topic of work and success. I told him how it’s always a good time catching up with him but then it sucks at the same time because I can’t help but compare myself to him when he tells me how well he’s doing. He told me not to do that because we’re all doing different things… and what’s the point of comparing anyways. I’m not in a race with him or anyone. I’m in my own marathon. As long as I’m taking proactive steps to get closer to my goals then I can’t be too hard on myself. Even if it’s one tiny step closer. I know this is common sense, but you know how sometimes perspectives just hits differently when it is coming from someone you got a lot of respect for you know? But ya.. I guess what I’m trying to say is I hope you all are moving forward and getting closer and closer to your goals. Don’t compare yourself with anyone and just continue to focus on improving yourself!