Rodmond - RT - RTtheRealest

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything." James 1:2-4

"Whatever you do in life, make sure you follow your heart. Nobody can see your vision like you can see it."

A personal blog, an unfiltered and uncensored place of expression, a personal journal.

EST 12/15/2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Don't Overthink It

So at work, there's this lady who I literally look at as like my mom...and if you want more context about our relationship, feel free to read this post right here lol. I used to hate this lady and now she's one of my favourite people at work. So every time I see her, she always hits me with some wisdom or knowledge, that and she's always like “I love you man” LOL. So she was telling me how she was like hella stressed from work and from people at work and it's like getting to a point where she just doesn't care anymore. She was telling me how her daughter would go off on her and be like you're too comfortable where you're at, how deep down you wanna pursue something else but you're scared to leave this comfortable and safe space. She was telling me how there's allways so much pressure and stress from work and how she really tries her best and works hard (she really does). You know what I told her...and this is legit my go to line for things like this...I told her “relax”. I was like breathe, slow it all down and relax. I went on to say like it's not worth stressing over. Yeah work is hard, and I'm not saying be a slacker or a lazy worker...but it's like yo why're you busting your back and going out of your way for people who don't care about you at all and would drop you in an instant. I just wanted to put things into perspective for her...the fact that we're replaceable and just a body to fill a role or do a task. I was like don't overthink it, don't stress yourself out over things you know shouldn't and don't really matter at the end of the day. Like imagine yourself in university...I dunno about y'all but for me my program was so big that profs were like don't even put your name on your stuff, just put your student number because that's how we identify you as. Similarly, in any kind of big corporation or working environment, when there's so many people...you\re really just a body to do the stuff they need done, anybody can be hired and trained to do what you're doing. That's the gist of what I told her cuz I could tell it was really bothering her and she seemed much more relaxed after I said what I said lol. She kept walking past me the rest of the day saying “I love you man”...LOOOL.

So fast forward a couple of days and to another conversation I had with her. This one's more recent, I wanna say like a few days ago...and it was super relevant to the previous post (and no she doesn't read the blog, like 90% sure lol). So I don't wanna go into detail about what triggered this conversation cuz it was pretty random and she always just hits me with random heart to hearts at random times anyways lol. So she comes to me and she's like hey, I just wanna let you know to be careful when you're dating or looking for a girl. And I was kinda blindsided cuz I'm like where is this coming from LOL but I'll entertain it lol so I was like huh” She literally said...women pretend, they're good at acting different in front of different or certain people LOOOOL, dude I was dying. She went on, she was like make sure you find someone sincere, real and authentic, find someone for their heart but it takes a while to get to know someone's heart. Then she walked away on some Mr. Miyagi type ting LOOOL. I was so like taken back and also her words hit me hella hard that it didn't even occur to me to ask her like yo where did that even come from LOOL. Little moments like that and people like her help me get through long work days and remind me why it's worth staying at this job lol.

Kinda bringing it all back together tho...when I had time to sit down and plan this blog post...I was like man when you're faced with stressful situations, sometimes you gotta take a step back like James Harden and look at it from a big picture perspective. Is this something that's really worth stressing out over? Whether this girl or guy replies, if that shirt really does make that customer look fat, how many likes you get on instagram, you get the idea. When you step back (like James Harden), you see things for what they really are and it helps you approach it more clearly and objectively. Only you can really discern for yourself what is important to you, where your priorities are at and what is worth stressing out over. Cuz you're stressing out over something it's most likely cuz you care, right? If not, then you should ask yourself why is this bothering me? Till next time...PEACE

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