Thursday, December 31, 2020
The One That Got Away
For the longest time, I thought you were the one that got away, and it always bothered me that I never got the closure that I wanted and I was always haunted by all these “what ifs”. I dunno if this feeling I’m feeling is closure and relief, but I also accept the fact that sometimes you don’t always get closure and that’s a normal part of life as well. It’s weird, I’ve had dreams of like sitting you down and telling you how I feel even tho we’ve had these talks a million times, but at the end of the day it doesn’t really move the needle regardless. It’s crazy to think we haven’t really spoken like that in 2 years. If you ever end up reading this, that’s cool. It’s funny cuz back in the day when I used to write about you, I knew you would always end up reading it somehow, but for some reason this time feels different, good different. But of course, it’s not like anything I’m writing or saying is out of maliciousness or like anger, definitely not, more so acceptance and understanding. But like I said in the beginning, my whole reasoning for wanting to write this post and especially saving this post as the last one of the year…is just cuz man, it’s finally time to close this chapter of my life, like really close it. Cuz there’s times where I’m sure y’all can agree or relate where you’ll say you’re over something but somehow end up going back to it later in time. We haven’t spoken or seen each other (other than that brief instance) in what feels like forever, respectful birthday messages to each other stop, all communication pretty much cuts, you got your own thing going on and I’m really trying to work on myself and move on and move forward with my life…and I can’t do that without acknowledging what a big part of my life and my growth you were, but also that that chapter and period of my life is over and it’s time to move on. Got damn I feel like I sound hella corny right now…I apologize lol I was never good at being brief and concise. Thank you for everything and to quote Big Sean “in the end all you really have is memories, I hope that you remember me”…see y’all next year, peace.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Good Vibes Only
Remember at the beginning of the month I told y'all since I wouldn't be posting every single day like I usually do that I would try to set a smaller, more manageable goal lol. Welp, we're on pace to hit 10 psots this month which when you look at the other months, is actually a lot LOL. Anyways, 2020's almost over...can you believe it? What feels like the shortest and longest year at the same time is almost coming to an end, what a way to start off the new decade am I right? 2020 for most, if not all people has largely been pretty forgettable. I know for me nothing really stands out, tbh I can't even remember anything eventful that happened in 2020. For some, 2020 has been super draining and mentally exhausting, it's been a year where mental health and self-care were really emphasized and brought to light. Whether you're working, in school, with family, with S/O's or friends, you've probably felt that mental fatigue in some sort of capacity this year. Which kinda brings me to the picture of the tweet above...I think this year, along with self-care, I've learned it's okay to be selfish with the people you surround yourself with...cuz time is limited and getting older I don't like the feeling of knowingly wasting time. With quarantine, it's felt like we've had an abundance of time to ourselves...whether it's picking up new hobbies, going on walks, exercising, or maybe a little bit of everything. Something I tried to do was reach out to people during quarantine and just go for walks, I mean there's not much else to do lol, bubble tea and walks is the move. But yeah, old friends, coworkers, homies...I've been going on a lot of walks, hanging out and catching up. As of late, I've just been really careful and cautious with the people and the energy I surround myself with. To put it simply, good vibes only lol. I've been super fortunate enough to meet some people where everything just clicks, it feels like you've known each other for years and you just get each other. You know those friends where you just look at each other and immediately get the joke, or you see them laughing and you know exactly what they're laughing about LOL. I love those friends cuz it just feels so natural and like I said, everything just kinda clicks. I've never been a fan of small talk which is why meeting new people or even dating apps can be super annoying sometimes. But when you meet the right people...and especially me being an introvert too, when you meet the right people who just naturally get you to come out of your shell it's such a dope feeling but it's also something you don't really realize until you sit and think about it. But back to the tweet...2020 has just been so draining and exhausting in so many ways that there really isn't time for people who don't add anything positive to your life...and I don't mean that offensively like if you don't bring anything to the table get away from me lol. It's more like I just don't wanna surround myself with negativity, especially in a year where so much negativity surrounds us as it is. There's that and then there's also just being careful in who you pour yourself out to, and that's not to say that you pour out to other people and give with the sole expectation to receive something back...but at the same time it is something to take note of. Like if you're always pouring out and nobody is filling your cup, you're gonna be drained, so just kinda keeping a mental note of like oh okay I'm always pouring into this person's cup and they're never really doing the same. Again, I don't want it to sound like completely selfish, but it also is a bit of a selfish mindset...I dunno, time and energy are commodities, and 2020 has not been kind to us, so in a way...for me at least, I'm okay with people a little selfish and being selective in who's cups I pour into. Like I said, good vibes only, surrounding myself with cool, chill, easy going and dope ass people. With all that being said, I'll see y'all REALLY soon for the last post of 2020...D-D-D-DEUCESSSSS!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Beautiful Sadness
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Be Yourself
Monday, December 21, 2020
Stop Playing Games
Sorry, so I kinda stepped away for like an hour and lost my train of thought lol…I guess anything and everything depends on perspective. My perspectives and opinions have certainly changed over time and as I’ve gotten older because what I’m looking for and my intentions and have also changed as well. So I guess this whole idea of “playing games” really depends on who you are, what you’re looking for and what you’re trying to gain as well. That’s all I really wanted to say lol, I had a different post planned but kinda got sidetracked, then got sidetracked again and lsot this train of thought lol.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
We Broke Up In My Dreams
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Wednesday, December 09, 2020
The Hardest Things To Say
Monday, December 07, 2020
Serenity In The Storm
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
For The Views...
Wanted to start to get December off to a good start by hitting y\all with a post lol. Something I used to think about when I was younger (as in like a few years ago LOL) was what would I do if the blog shut down, like if blogger just closed down lol. I mean google owns blogger so it's kinda unlikely but there was one time where I tried to open the blog and it said blogger was down or unavailable and I got so shook...I was like yo all my hard work, all those posts, all those views...gone. Turns out they were just doing maintenance on blogger lol. Something I think about now is what if one day I opened the blog and the view counter is gone or it resets to zero. I've placed so much emphasis on reaching that 1 million views mark and for the longest time it was like the ultimate goal for me. I used to think to myself if the view counter ever disappeared or reset, damn I might just have to quit the blog cuz what else am Idoing this for? That's def how a big chunk of me used to think and a big chunk of me was working and promoting so hard to reach that 1 million mark. When I realized it was a real possibility of actually hitting a million views, I was like damn...look at how far we've come...so as much as a million views is an AMAZING achievement and a super dope aesthetic, it also symbolizes just how far the blog has come. You know how hype I got when the blog hit 1,000 views LOOOL. I think to myself now and there is a slight part of me that kinda wants the view counter to just disappear one day cuz sometimes I do get caught up in the views and trying to put out posts that I know people will click onto. But then there\s also that part of me that just likes looking at it, to be able to be like yeah my blog has over a millionviews, yeah I've been doing this for over 10 years. At the end of the day tho...the views are just surface level and if it ever did reset or disappear, I know I still have that support system that'll read the blog regardless. Cuz like I said I used to think like well if the blog shut down, would I just hop onto another platform and start a new one? But I'm like man it's gonna be so hard to build an audience again, to promote it and stuff, the views gonna be hella weak. But at the end of the day it's like yo for the most part it's a good chunk of people who consistently read the blog whether I promote it or not cuz they genuinely like reading it (I hope lol), if I were to go onto another platform, I'm sure those same people would still visit the blog because they f with me like that. I dunno, just some random thoughts i the blog were to ever shut down lol, I have been saving my posts recently tho, like I'll write them on a google doc and save it on my computer before posting it in case anything ever does happen. But it's moreso for myself and the memories lol. Welp, hopefully I'll see y'all sooner than later, even if it is these short, random posts that might not make that much sense lol PEACE.
Okay edit: So I wrote the above paragraph yesterday and had intended to be all like oh yeahhh December 1st, off to a great start but then I forgot LOL. Then I was watching some random youtube videos today and it kinda sparked some inspiration in me to add to this post. I think when I first started and I feel like this is with most creators on youtube or anything that like tracks the number of views or amount of people...at first you just wanna attract the most amount of people, in my case I just wanted as many people as possible to view my blog. Now obviously when I first started, I was doing really low numbers compared to now, but it was a big deal for me, so obvs when views kept going up and I started to set bigger goals for myself I was also like alright I gotta write better posts or at least write psots that people will find interesting or interesting enough to click on at least. There was def a point in the blog where people came at me for 'clickbaiting' too much LOL...it's definitely still part of the game but I try not to be so scummy about it. Cuz at the end of the day y'all are only gonna click based on if it's an interesting title or not or that short little sentence or two that I post on facebook or instagram. I only have one sentence to summarize the post and make it sound interesting enough so that people will want to click it. I think after hitting a million views, I don't wanna say I don't care anymore, views are def still an important driving force for me...but I'm definitely feeling more free and open when it comes to titling the blog posts or those short little descriptions or even just what I write about in general. The focus has kinda shifted a bit to where views are still dope and all...but man I just wanna write about what makes me happy and what inspires me and motivates me. Sometimes it's not the most interesting thing but it helps me express myself, it's stress relief in a way too. As of late, I\ve just been doing my own thing...giving y'all posts like an update on my life whereas before I'd be like okay that's too boring ain't nobody wanna read about that they want the girl stories and the relationship stuff LOL. I've just kinda made that conscious decision to write about what I want, not that I wasn't doing so before...but moreso feeling less pressure to please the readers and less pressure to maximize views...if y'all dig it then that's dope, if not then tough turtles maybe you'll like the next post. With all that being said, I'll see y'all on the flip side, peace.