Hey y’all, so it’s been a while I know lol...2 weeks to be exact. Which isn’t a long time but it feels like it’s been a while. I feel like so much has been going on but at the same time I also haven’t been doing much other than the usual, but it feels like a lots been happening. Shoutout one time to the Raptors and the city of Toronto...got damn, I know the majority (like 85%) of y’all reading this are from Toronto but if you’re not, man...this city has been just in its heels this entire playoff run and culminating with the championship...I was able to go downtown with my friends and it was so crazy, the electricity and the energy was insane, a night I’ll never forget for sure.
So moving on, I haven’t had much to talk about which is also why I didn’t post anything. I had some small stuff but nothing I felt I could make a blog post out of. Then it hit me a couple days ago when I was at the gym, doing chest and doing the bench press. I usually stick in dumbbells cuz I have no spotter but every 1-2 weeks I’ll switch it up and use the barbell and slowly move up in weight but keeping a comfortable pace. So I was doing a set and that’s when it hit me that I’ve been getting much stronger as of late. Obvs the physical changes are slowly and steady getting there, but I was so excited to know and feel that I’ve been getting stronger. Now I don’t say that out of cockiness or to boast, I say that cuz it’s such a dope feeling to see physical improvements and change and growth in yourself. And you can take that and apply that to anything, to your mind or your life or your current situation. Just being able to physically see improvements like better test scores, healthier relationships with people, more relaxed state of mind. It’s probably one of the most encouraging feelings seeing self growth and self improvement. It’s one thing for people to say wow you’ve become a better person since so and so, or wow you’ve skimmed down or gotten taller. But to really see and FEEL it for yourself is such an incredible feeling. But at the same time, especially with working out cuz that’s what I’ve been super into lately...it’s not going to happen overnight, it’s gonna take time and it’s gonna take hard work and commitment, but if you stay the course, you’ll see improvements. Whether it’s a stressful situation you’re dealing with, an argument with a loved one...all that stuff gets better in time but also with work. I dunno man, it’s just been such a nice feeling as of late that despite how busy and depressing a vibe work can be, I can getaway and do my own thing with my friends but also go to the gym by myself and just zone out. You choose you push yourself and go as hard as you want, some days you feel better and stronger than others, some days you feel crumby and weaker than others...just gotta push through and grind. Till next time...which might be 700k, I’ll see you soon. Don’t think I didn’t notice...about that...I’ve been grinding and working on the low low...stay tuned!